
xiàn dài pài
  • modernist school;modernist
现代派 [xiàn dài pài]
  • [modernist] 赞赏现代方法或事物的人;维护现代时期的优越性的人

现代派[xiàn dài pài]
  1. 今天,有人把MakeItNew视为世界范围内现代派的突出特征,而把Makeitstrange当成后现代派的突出特征。

    Today , some people regard " make it new " as a world-wide outstanding feature of modernist school , while taking " make it strange " as a striking characteristic of " Post-Modernism " .

  2. 认识现代派诗歌的艺术特质;

    Third , understanding modernist school poetry artistic special characteristic ;

  3. 方形霓虹灯牌上标着英文小写字母“jcp”标志,让人感觉这里更像是一场后现代派的艺术展。

    Neon squares with a lowercase " JCP " bring to mind a postmodern art show .

  4. Cummings,美国现代派诗人,是具像诗歌的先驱者。

    Cummings is a significant poet in modern American poetry , who is also the forerunner of concrete poetry .

  5. 现代派诗歌偏离的限度&由美国现代派激进诗人E.E.肯明斯引发的思考

    Limits of Deviation in Modernist Poetry : An Exploration Inspired by American Modernist Poet E. E. Cummings

  6. 美国19世纪女诗人艾米莉·狄金森(EmilyDickinson,1830-1886)是美国文学史上最负盛名的一位女诗人,英美现代派诗歌的先驱。

    Between the Poets from Zhejiang and Modern Chinese Poetry Trend of Modernism Emily Dickinson ( 1830-1886 ) is one of the most outstanding poets in American of the 19 ~ ( th ) century .

  7. 论传统派与现代派教育思想并存的现实意义

    The Realistic Significance of Coexistence of Traditional and Modern Educational Thoughts

  8. 其表现在:一、有异于西方现代派的独特的创作主体结构;

    First , it differs from distinctive western modern writing construction .

  9. 象征:西方现代派文学的表意追求

    Symbol : on the Idea-expression of Literature of Western Modern Schools

  10. 范畴论认为现代派诗歌的审美特质是古典意境与现代意识的统一,现代派诗美范畴是病态美与朦胧美;

    Modern poetry rang includes the morbid aesthetics and obscurity aesthetics .

  11. 论台湾现代派小说的精神世界

    On the Spiritual World of the Novels in Taiwan Modernist School

  12. 我的房子里有五十幅现代派艺术绘画作品。

    I have fifty paintings of modern art in my house .

  13. 论新时期现代派与寻根派文学

    On New Era 's Modern School and Roots-Tracing School in Literature

  14. 20世纪30年代现代派诗歌艺术风格新探

    New Probe into the 1930 's Artistic Style of Contemporary Peoms

  15. 现实主义、现代派与传统绘画的追问与反思

    Realism , Modernism and Traditional Painting : An Enquiring and Reflection

  16. 卡夫卡是西方现代派文学的奠基人和代表作家。

    Kafka is the founder and representative writer of Western modernistic literature .

  17. 他憎恶表现主义和现代派艺术,提倡现实主义。

    Luld cs loathes expressionism and modernist art , but advocates realism .

  18. 九叶派与台湾现代派

    The Nine Leaves School and the Taiwan Modernist Poetic School

  19. 维吾尔年轻人跟现代派文学接触主要有两种途径。

    Young Uyghur writers were introduced to modernist literature via two routes .

  20. 美国现代派传教士教育家的形成与中国教会学校的改革

    U. S. modernist missionaries and reform of Chinese Missionary Schools

  21. 20世纪30年代的现代派诗歌与中国传统诗歌主流有着深刻的联系。

    Modern poetry in 1930s was closely connected with Chinese traditional poetry .

  22. 台湾现代派小说结构艺术论

    On the Construction Art of the Modern Novel in Taiwan

  23. 批评的漫游性:上海现代派的空间实践与视觉追寻

    Flanerie of Criticism : Shanghai Modernists ' Spatial Practices and Visual Language

  24. 于是穆旦被简单地指认为现代派、现代主义诗人。

    Then Mu-dan is briefly regarded as a modernism poet .

  25. 为以后的西方现代派美术的发展奠定了基础。

    For the later western modernist art lays a foundation .

  26. 评莱斯·默里的五首现代派诗歌

    A critical review of five modernistic poems by Les Murray

  27. 现代派文学背景中的20世纪中国浪漫主义思潮

    The Chinese 20th Century Romanticism in the Context of the Modernistic Literature

  28. 对现代派美术的重新审视

    On the Modernist School of Art In the school School

  29. 康拉德是英国现代派的代表作家之一。

    Joseph Conrad was one of the representative writers of British modernism .

  30. 川端康成是日本文学现代派的开山祖师之一。

    Kawabata is one of the pioneers of modernism in Japanese literature .