
  • 网络Modern International;MIMR
  1. 在我国加入WTO之后,我国教育融入世界教育体系,现代国际教育贸易开始在我国正式出现。

    Modern international trade in education boomed in China since we entered WTO in Dec.2001 .

  2. 中国现代国际关系研究院(chinainstituteofcontemporaryinternationalrelations)学者翟指出,大型国企“如今代表经济利益的考量”。

    Zhai Kun , of the China Institute of contemporary international relations in Beijing , said that large state companies " now stand for economic considerations " .

  3. WTO规则中补贴与反补贴措施是国际经济发展的产物,是随着现代国际贸易的形成而出现的。

    The subsidies and countervailing measure in the WTO rule is the product of international economy development and coming into being with the formation of the modern international trade .

  4. 现代国际领域产品生命周期研究&对弗农(Vernon)学说的一种拓展

    Modern Research on International Product Life Cycle

  5. 外包(Outsourcing)作为一种提高企业核心竞争力和降低运营成本的战略,在现代国际大企业中已达成共识。

    Being considered as an improvement of competitiveness in core enterprises and reduction of operating costs strategy , Outsourcing ( Outsourcing ) have reached a consensus in the modern international enterprises .

  6. CI战略在中国的发展与实施,必须建立在深厚的民族文化基础上,同时又必须与现代国际市场相结合。

    The development and execution of CI strategy in China must be setted up on the basis of deep national culture and at the same time , it must combine with modern international market .

  7. 风险价值VaR(ValueAtRisk)在金融风险管理中具有很重要的应用,是一种现代国际上流行的市场风险度量方法。

    VaR ( Value at Risk ) has important applications in finance risk management , it is a popular market risk measurement tool in the international world . Generally , the methods to calculate VaR are parametric methods , non-parametric methods and semi-parametric methods .

  8. 大约一年前,北京中国现代国际关系研究院(cicir)对美国实力的各种构成进行了一项细致的评估。

    A year or so ago , the Beijing-based Chinese Institute for contemporary international relations made a detailed assessment of the various components of us power .

  9. 除了夏洛尔的私人用品、速写和笔记外,这场特展还加入了一些受他启发或者与他毕生之作相关的艺术家的创作,既有德拉克罗瓦(Delacroix)这样的古典法国油画家,也有安塞姆·基弗(AnselmKiefer)这样的现代国际名家。

    In addition to Ch é reau 's personal effects , sketches and notes , the show intersperses creations by artists who inspired him or relate to his oeuvre , from classic French painters like Delacroix to contemporary international figures like Anselm Kiefer .

  10. 现代国际广告媒体企划与消费者季节感整合

    Integration of Contemporary International Advertising Media Strategy and Consumer Climate Perspective

  11. 现代国际关系中,民族国家占据主体地位。

    In modern international relations , nation-state holds a principal status .

  12. 简论国际强行规范在现代国际法中的作用

    On the Effect of International Mandatory Standard in Modern International Law

  13. 广东现代国际展览中心展馆内部温度垂直分布测试

    Vertical temperature distribution tested in Guangdong Modern International Exhibition Centre

  14. 构建支撑现代国际广播体系的多媒体全业务技术服务平台

    Multimedia Full-Business Technical Service Platform for Modern International Broadcasting System

  15. 湖北现代国际贸易有限公司,是纺织行业重点企业。

    Hubei modern International Trading Limited , is the textile industry enterprises .

  16. 试论现代国际法中的武装冲突法

    On the Armed Conflict Law in the International Law in Contemporary Era

  17. 近现代国际体系与恐怖主义:现代性的视角

    Modern International System and Terrorism : a Perspective of Modernity

  18. 现代国际武装冲突的社会学视野

    A Sociological View on International Armed Conflicts of Modern Times

  19. 后现代国际私法理论探微

    Discussion on the post - modernism of private international law

  20. 在现代国际贸易中,技术性壁垒呈现出新的发展趋势。

    In modern international trade , technological barriers have new development tendency .

  21. 天津形成现代国际物流中心的研究

    Study that Tianjin has become the modern international logistics center

  22. 现代国际体系史的一大理解范式和根本主题

    A Paradigm and Major Theme for the History of the Modern International System

  23. 国际责任是现代国际法上最为重要的制度之一。

    International Duty is one of the most important systems in international law .

  24. 对现代国际性运动会开幕式表演策划思想的探讨

    Researches on Ideas of Designing Performances in Opening Ceremonies of Modern International Games

  25. 现代国际组织的功能、发展趋势及对政治地理学的影响

    Functions and development of modern International Organizations And Their Influences on Political Geography

  26. 论现代国际海事立法的特点与发展趋势

    On the Feature and Trend in Modern Maritime Legislation

  27. 高技术是现代国际市场竞争的焦点。

    High technology is the focus of modern international competition in the market .

  28. 言论版是现代国际报纸言论发展成熟的一种表现形式。

    Opinion pages represent a form for the mature development of modern international newspapers .

  29. 现代国际贸易中英文企业及品牌名称汉译的原则与方法研究

    Translation principles and methods of English names of enterprises and brands in international trade

  30. 信用证是现代国际贸易中重要的支付工具之一。

    Letter of credit is an important payment tool of the international trade settlement .