
  1. 介绍了纤维复合材料的分类、特点及其在现代国民经济中广泛的应用领域。MRI对这类肿瘤最敏感,它对病变的发现、定位、分类诊断及定性诊断有决定性意义。

    Classification and characterization of fiber composites as well as their applications are presented . MRI was most sensitive to chest lipoma , especially in detection , location , classification and characterization .

  2. 构建现代国民教育体系探索的回溯与前瞻

    Review and Prospects of Exploration on Modern National Education System Construction

  3. 构建现代国民教育体系意义重大。

    It is significant to construct modern national education system .

  4. 论现代国民的地理科学素质与地理学科教育

    Discuss Modern National Citizen 's Quality in Geography Science and Geography Education

  5. 必须加快建立和完善现代国民教育体系;

    Thirdly , we should quickly establish and perfect modern national education system ;

  6. 教育使命,孰大于此?&论现代国民教育体系的构建

    Discussion on the Construction of Modern National Education System

  7. 现代国民教育体系中的职业教育应当有完整的类型和层次,形成健全的体系。

    Vocational education should have complete type and level and form sound system .

  8. 试论现代国民教育体系中的杂技教育

    On Acrobatics Education in Modern National Education System

  9. 现代国民教育体系初探

    Exploration on the System of Modern National Education

  10. 职业教育与现代国民教育体系具有交叉相容关系。

    There exists crossed and tolerant relations between vocational education and modern national education system .

  11. 全面建设小康社会必须形成比较完善的现代国民教育体系。

    A relatively perfect modern national education system is essential to the building of a well-off society .

  12. 中国近现代国民性改造思潮评析

    The Comment and Analysis on the Modern Times ' Current of Thought of People Transformation in China

  13. 然而,这种审美不利于大众审美水准的提高,不利于现代国民素质的提高。

    This tendency is unfavorable to the improvement of the public aesthetic standard and the modern national quality .

  14. 建立现代国民教育体系,发展终身教育任重道远。

    It has a long way to go to establish modern national education system and develop lifelong education .

  15. 广播电视大学作为世界上最大的远程教育教学系统,将在党的十六大提出建设比较完善的现代国民教育体系,形成全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会的目标中发挥重要作用。

    As the largest distant education system in the world , Radio and TV University will play great role in lifelong educational system in China .

  16. 现代国民教育体系的创建为各类人才的成长打开了广阔的空间,构建杂技表演人才教育培养体系是现代国民教育体系全面性本质属性中的应有之义。

    The initiation of modern national education system provides space for cultivating various kinds of talents whereas the construction of acrobatics education system is indispensable .

  17. 在建设现代国民教育体系和全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会中,现代远程教育具有重要的战略地位和作用。

    Modern Open-distance education have important strategy position and influence to structure modern people education systerm and build learning society for everyone in all his life .

  18. 以现代国民收入决定理论为基础,分两个阶段探讨金融发展经由总需求要素传导,引致经济增长的途径。

    Based on the modern theory of NI , this paper discusses the approaches by which financial deepening causes economic growth through demand elements in two phases .

  19. 因此,我们应发展现代国民教育、在职教育、终身教育,实施全民培训工程;

    Therefore , we should develop the modern national education , the on-the-job education , the life-long education and practice the training projects of all the people ;

  20. 傣族男童教育问题并非仅仅是性别范畴的问题,还与该族信教传统极为相关,因此反映了传统民族文化传承与现代国民学校教育普及间的张力。

    The problem of education for Dai boys is not only related with gender but also with the tradition of believing in religion of the Dai people .

  21. 经济的发展离不开金融的支撑,金融是现代国民经济的核心,对国民经济的发展起着重要的推动作用。

    The economy can not develop without the financial support which is the core of modern economy , it plays an important role in promoting the national economy .

  22. 形成比较完善的现代国民教育体系,科技和文化创新体系,全民健身和医疗卫生体系。

    A sound modern national educational system , scientific , technological and cultural innovation systems as well as nationwide fitness and medical and health systems will take shape .

  23. 近年来,随着现代国民经济的提高和科学技术的进步,人们对电能质量的关注程度越来越高。

    In recent years , with the improvement of modern national economy and the progress of science and technology , people pay more attention on the power quality problems .

  24. 职业教育是现代国民教育体系的重要组成部分,在实施科教兴国战略和人才强国战略中具有特殊的重要地位。

    Vocational education which is an important part of the modern national education system , plays a special and important role in the implementation of science and education strategy .

  25. 职业教育是我国现代国民教育体系的重要组成部分,是全面建设小康社会、促进经济社会协调发展的重要方面。

    Vocational education is a vital ingredient in modern education system in China . It greatly contributes to the construction of a well-being society and the booming of economy .

  26. 文化本身成为一个新兴产业即文化产业,直接加入经济发展过程,文化产品成为现代国民财富的重要内容。

    Culture itself has become a new industry-cultural industry , which are directly involved in the process of economic development . Cultural products are important parts in modem national wealth .

  27. 作为现代国民教育体系的最高层次,高校承担着培育现代理念、传播现代知识、造就现代人才、推广现代文明的崇高使命和重要责任。

    As the highest layer of modern education system , high education undertakes the tasks of fostering modern concepts , delivering modern knowledge , cultivating modern elites , promoting modern civilizations .

  28. 职业培训总体上不属于现代国民教育体系的组成部分,但其培训成果可以通过中介性的评价认可体系直接或间接地融入现代国民教育体系的相应层次和类型之中。

    Professional training isn 't the component part of modern national education system in generality , but its results can be merged into the modern national education system through evaluation system .

  29. 在这样的大趋势中,现代化商业集群在衡量地方经济发展水平上占据越来越重要的作用,已成为现代国民经济的一个重要支柱。

    So modern commercial clusters which is used to measure the level of local economic development has become an increasingly important weight , and has become an important symbol of the modern economy .

  30. 杂技教育应当成为现代国民教育体系的一个特殊组成部分,进行从功能到结构、从主体到辅体的深入的理论研究和实体创建。

    The acrobatics education should become a special part of modern national education system , enjoying a profound research in theory and entity set-up from function to structure and from the main body to the supplement .