
  • 网络modern forestry
  1. 现代林业企业中基于Intranet的MIS建设

    The Construction of MIS Based on Intranet in Modern Forestry Business

  2. 现代林业建设是林业发展方向的必然选择。

    Modern forestry construction was the necessary goal of forestry development .

  3. 现代林业理论与生态良好途径

    The Modern Forestry Theory and The Approach to Realize Ecological Soundness

  4. 构建绿色屏障发展高效林业&全国首家现代林业示范区在浙江湖州启动

    The First Modern Forestry Model District Will Be Built in Huzhou

  5. 现代林业工程系统中的复杂动力学行为探索

    Study on Behavior of Complicated Dynamics in Modern Forest Engineering Systems

  6. 积极推进配套改革加快发展现代林业

    Actively Promote Corresponding Reforms to Speed up the Development of Modern Forestry

  7. 现代林业的综合研究方法

    The Comprehensive Research Methods in the Development of Modern Forestry

  8. 加快发展努力建设贵州现代林业

    Quicken the Tempo of the Modern Forestry Construction in Guizhou

  9. 林产工业是现代林业发展的重要组成部分。

    Forest product industry is important component of modern forestry 's development .

  10. 衡量现代林业发展水平的新标尺:森林厚度

    A New Indicator for Modern Forestry Development : Forest Thickness

  11. 林业分类经营&现代林业发展的必由之路

    Forestry Classification Management : Necessary Road to Realize Modern Forestry

  12. 现代林业:理论综述与实践进程(续)

    Modern Forestry : Review of Theory and Practice Process ( Continued );

  13. 关于现代林业研究计划与管理的若干问题

    Some Issues on Planning and Management of Modern Forestry Research

  14. 对发展现代林业促进生态文明建设的思考&以黑龙江省伊春市为例

    Consideration of morden forestry development and construction of ecological civilization for Yichun

  15. 全面加快林业信息化步伐为现代林业建设提供强大支撑

    Full Speed up Forestry Information to Provide Strong Support for Modern Forestry

  16. 现代林业的制度创新与思考

    The system innovation of modern forest industry and thinking

  17. 现代林业理论发展与公益林可持续经营策略

    Development of Modern Forestry Theories and Strategies of Sustainable Management of Ecological Forests

  18. 论现代林业与福建国有林场发展策略

    The Development Tactics of Modern Forestry and National Forest Farms in Fujian Province

  19. 林业可持续发展是我国现代林业的核心和基础。

    Sustainable forest development is the core and basis in our modern forestry .

  20. 浅谈现代林业与传统林业、自然保护之间的关系

    Discussion on the Relationship Between the Modern and Traditional Forestry and Nature Conservation

  21. 现代林业与西部生态环境建设

    Modern Forestry and Ecological Environment Construction of Western Regions

  22. 现代林业信息网络体系的综合管理

    Comprehensive management of information network system for modern forestry

  23. 林业技术创新与现代林业发展

    Forestry Technical Innovation and The Development of Modern Forestry

  24. 湖北荆门市现代林业中的生态文化体系建设

    Ecology Culture System Construction in Modern Forestry of Jingmen City in Hubei Province

  25. 现代林业发展理论的研究述评

    Commentary on the Research of Modern Forestry Development Theory

  26. 现代林业发展五论

    Five Points on the Development of Modern Forestry

  27. 现代林业与林业生态文化探讨

    On Modern Forestry and Forestry Eco - culture

  28. 试论浙、闽、粤现代林业建设的先导性

    Try to Discuss Modern Forestry Development Forerunner in Zhejiang , Fujian and Guangdong Province

  29. 对推进安徽现代林业建设的思考

    Thoughts on Promoting Modern Forestry of Anhui Province

  30. 现代林业的意识、内容与制度

    Modern Forestry Consciousness , Content and System