
  1. DEA方法在城市社区建设绩效评价中的应用

    Application of DEA in Performance Evaluation of Urban Community Construction

  2. 关于城市社区建设几个问题的理论思考

    A Theoretical Meditation on the Problems about the Urban Community Construction

  3. 对全面建设小康社会中城市社区建设的思考

    Reflection on city community building in constructing a thorough well-off society

  4. 社区组织是城市社区建设的关键。

    Community organization is a key to the urban community construction .

  5. 中国城市社区建设的可持续性与社会资本的重构&以广州市逢源街安老服务为例

    The Continuity of Community Construction and Social Capital Reconstruction in China

  6. 论我国城市社区建设中的政府职能转变

    Constructs by Our Country City Community the Transform the Government Functions

  7. 经过努力,中国的城市社区建设取得了一定的成就。

    Through the efforts of our urban communities achieved some success .

  8. 社区建设热中的中小城市社区建设

    Small and medium-sized cities community building of craze of community building

  9. 江西省城市社区建设与发展研究

    Study on the City Community Construction and Development in Jiangxi Province

  10. 我国城市社区建设是在两大背景下推演开来的。

    Urban community building in china has speeded out under two backgrounds .

  11. 当前中国城市社区建设中存在的问题及对策建议

    The Problems Existing in Today 's Urban Community Building and their Solutions

  12. 我国城市社区建设:问题分析与对策探讨

    The Urban Community Construction in China : Problems Study and Countermeasures Research

  13. 公共精神与城市社区建设&社会资本理论的视角

    Public Spirit and City Community & From Social Capital Theory

  14. 中国城市社区建设中的公众参与

    Public Participation in the Construction of Urban Community in China

  15. 试析社会转型期的城市社区建设

    On the construction of city community at the stage of Social Transformation

  16. 温州城市社区建设的若干思考

    Some Thoughts on the Construction of City Communities in Wenzhou

  17. 我国城市社区建设动力研究

    Study on Impetus of Urban Community Construction of Our Country

  18. 公共选择理论视野中的城市社区建设

    City Community Construction in the View of Public Choice Theory

  19. 城市社区建设三位一体工作模式探析

    Exploration on the " Three-in-One " Urban Community Management Model

  20. 体制改革中的城市社区建设的理论分析

    Theoretical Exploration on Urban Community Building in Reform China

  21. 社区工作者是加强城市社区建设的主力军。

    Community workers are the main force for the construction of urban communities .

  22. 城市社区建设与市民社会建构

    Establishment of Urban Community and Construction of Civil Society

  23. 论城市社区建设中政府的职能定位

    On the Functional Location of Government in the Construction of City Social communities

  24. 摘要城市社区建设的关键在于实现社区自治。

    The key point of urban community construction is to realize community self-governing .

  25. 城市社区建设行为主体向多元化发展;

    The operating subjects of the urban community construction and management become diversified .

  26. 城市社区建设与发展中的社区参与研究

    Research on Community Participation of Community Building and Development

  27. 探构系统观下城市社区建设与发展

    Survey of Systematic Construction and Development of City Communities

  28. 新形势下城市社区建设制度创新初探

    The City Community Construction System Creation In New Condition

  29. 城市社区建设中消防安全问题思考

    The reflection on fire safety of urban community buildings

  30. 学习型社区建设与城市社区建设创新

    The Community Construction of Learning Type and the New Trails of city Community