
  1. 城市之窗&轨道交通地面高架站建筑设计探索

    Gateway to the City & Architecture Design and Research of Light Rail Station

  2. 城市之窗黑檀家具

    Black Sandal Furniture of Window of City

  3. 受此启发,中国众多家具企业如皇朝、城市之窗、曲美等均实施品牌战略,采取了家具专卖模式,成为业界典范,家具专卖店也逐渐成为家具销售的主要平台。

    Many Chinese furniture corporations , inspired by this idea , like Huang Chao , Window of City , Qu Mei adopt to brand strategy , and therefore furniture authorized store gradually becomes a main sale mode .

  4. 目前在国内的很多的大型城市已经相继的研制开发了城市电子地图系统,城市之窗,公众信息查询系统等。

    Now , in our country , many large cities have developed city electric map system , for instance , Cities Windows , Common Information Query System , etc.