
  • 网络urban survey;city surveying;city survey
  1. 本文从TRV功能的误差理论分析和精度实验研究入手,提出了TRV功能在城市测量、地籍测量和工程测量中所能达到的精度和等级,探讨了TRV功能的适用条件。

    On the basis of analysing error and a study of precision experiment from TRV function . This paper proposes that TRV function arrives at precision and grade in urban survey , cadastral survey and engineering survey . The suitable condition of TRV function is also discussed in the paper .

  2. 我国城市测量技术发展现状与成就

    The Current Developing Condition and Achievement of the Urban Survey Technology in China

  3. GPS-RTK在小城市测量中的应用

    The Use of GPS-RTK in Little City Surveying

  4. 随着现代测绘科学技术发展,产生了新的城市测量定位方法,包括GPS测量定位方法以及CORS测量定位方法。

    With the development of modern surveying and mapping science and technology , resulting in a new city measure positioning methods , including GPS measurement positioning method and the CORS measurement positioning method .

  5. CORS的出现,完全改变了城市测量中布设控制点控制点被破坏再布设控制点这一恶性循环,成为近年来城市测绘的新热点。

    The appearance of CORS completely changed vicious circle of the measure on " control points laid - destroyed - and then laid again " and become a new hot spot in city mapping .

  6. 阐述了数字城市测量系统的内容,叙述了JX4ADPW全数字摄影测量系统的功能及数字城市基础地理信息的获取。

    In this paper the content of measurement system of digital city , the functions of JX 4A DPW all digital photogrammetric system and the requirement of basic geographical information of digital city are elaborated .

  7. 关于城市测量中电磁波测距平距计算问题

    On Horizontal Distance Calculation with Electromagnetic Distance Measurement in Urban Surveying

  8. 城市测量新旧坐标换算

    The Transformation of Old Coordinates to New Ones in City Surveying

  9. 城市测量平差系统的编制与实现

    Programming and Realization of Urban Survey Adjustment System Softwares

  10. 城市测量投影带和投影面选择的电算实现

    The Realization of Meridional Zone and Altitude Datum Surface in Urban Surveying by the Computer

  11. 城市测量中新旧坐标变换是一个普遍存在的问题。

    The transformation of old coordinates to new ones is a common problem in city surveying .

  12. 城市测量自动化系统的研究

    Research on City automatic surveying system

  13. 对某城市测量控制网的分析和扩展研究

    An analysis of current situation and a study of its improvement for a city survey control network

  14. 研究了形象直观的城市测量自动化系统软件,从而实现数据处理以及电子平板数字化测绘的自动化。

    The city automatic surveying system software realizes automation of data processing and electronics plate digital surveying and mapping .

  15. 本文较系统地介绍了控制网的可靠性理论,并就如何应用于城市测量进行了一些探讨。

    This paper systematically introduces reliability theory of control network , and the problem of how to apply this theory to city survey is discussed .

  16. 通过这个平台,可以有效的提高当前城市测量的工作效率,减轻工作难度。

    Through this platform urban measurement can be an effective measurement to improve the efficiency of the current city to alleviate the difficulty of the work .

  17. 介绍我国城市测量技术发展的现状,着重介绍测绘新技术在城市测量中的应用与实际效果,阐述测量技术基础建设的成就。

    The article introduces the current developing condition and basic construction achivements of the urban survey technology in China , emphatically describes the application and reality of the new technology in urban survey .

  18. 最后通过数据比较和实例分析,指出现用《城市测量规范》所规定的相对精度指标不适用于导线环。

    Finally , based upon data comparison and case history analysis , it points out that the relative precision indexes assigned in the " City Surveying Code " is not suitable for the loop traverse .

  19. 分析莆田市原城市测量控制网存在的问题,探讨重新确定城市坐标系的必要性和新建城市控制网的各类因素

    This paper authors analyze existing problems on control network of original urban measuring in Putian city , and discuss the necessity to be reestablished urban measuring coordinates and all sorts of factor in reestablishing urban control network

  20. 本文结合当前城市测量技术的发展现状和计算机网络技术的高速发展,给出利用现有技术来建立城市测量技术的网络平台的研究成果。

    This article gives building a network of urban measurement technology platform research results by using of existing technology unified the current status and development of cities measurement techniques and the rapid development of computer network technology .

  21. 结合福州市三等水准测量数字化技术的应用,研究建立完整的水准测量及其数据建库管理的一体化技术体系,探讨关键技术的实现,提出城市测量技术发展的新思路。

    Build an integrated technical system of leveling and management System of data base , combing the application of digital technology of third leveling of Fuzhou , probe into the realization of key technology , advance a new thinking Of the developing of city survey technology .

  22. 城市测量定位的传统方法是全站仪的相对测量配合卷尺的方法,但是城市的快速发展使得这种方法在测量精度上产生极大的误差,在工作便捷度方面也带来了极大的不便。

    The city traditional methods of measurement positioning is the method of total station relative measurement with the tape , but the rapid development of the city not only makes a great error on the measurement accuracy , but also brings a great deal of inconvenience in the work convenient .

  23. GPS在城市控制测量应用中的几点体会

    Comprehensions of the Application of GPS in Urban Control Measurement

  24. 城市控制测量中GPS水准高程的内插方法研究

    Study on the Interpolation Methods of GPS Leveling Height in City Control Network

  25. 城市地籍测量中GPS技术的应用研究

    Application of GPS Technology in Urban Cadastral Survey

  26. 本文尝试利用GPS技术在城市地籍测量方面的应用做一些探讨。

    This article discusses the application of GPS technology in the field of urban cadastral survey .

  27. GPSRTK在城市导线测量中的应用研究

    The Application Research of GPS RTK on Urban Traversing

  28. 动态GPS(RTK)在城市控制测量中的精度分析

    Accuracy Analysis of RTK in City Control Survey

  29. ExcelVBA在城市工程测量中的应用

    Application of Excel VBA in Urban and Engineering Surveying

  30. 网络RTK技术在城市控制测量中的试验与研究

    Experimentation and Research on Network RTK Technology in Urban Control Survey