
  • 网络urban transportation
  1. 基于Logistic增长的城市交通运输方式共生模型及演化机理

    Symbiotic model of urban transportation mode base on Logistic equation and its evolution mechanism

  2. 城市交通运输系统的评价指标体系

    On the Evaluation of Urban Transportation System

  3. 在城市交通运输管理现状分析和可行性论证的基础上,对运输管理信息系统(TMIS)作详尽的系统分析,并讨论快速原型技术在TMIS开发中的应用。

    Gives a detailed introduction to analysis for the transportation management information system ( TMIS ), and also deals with the prototype technology , as well as its application to development of TMIS .

  4. 选用了水平能见度小于1000m的低能见度作为影响城市交通运输的一个指标,并研究了低能见度在北京地区时空分布特征。

    The temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of the low horizontal visibility ( lower than 1000 m ) in Beijing are studied , which is chosen as an index that would affect urban traffic and transportation .

  5. 沿海港口城市交通运输能力评价模型研究与实证分析

    Coastal port city transportation ability evaluation mode research and demonstration anlysis

  6. 论面向21世纪的城市交通运输及其管理

    On Urban Transportation and its Management for the 21st Century

  7. 城市交通运输系统效率及其评价问题研究

    Study on the Efficiency of City Transport System and It 's Evaluation Research

  8. 论可持续发展的城市交通运输系统

    A Study on the Urban Sustainable Transportation System

  9. 现在,第三项,城市交通运输问题。

    Now , Item 3 , city transportation .

  10. 浅谈城市交通运输系统的管理

    Discussing the management of city transport system

  11. 城市交通运输地理发展趋势

    Development Tendency of Urban Transport Geography

  12. 建设可持续发展的城市交通运输系统是我们的必然选择和根本目标。

    It is a necessary choice and ultimate objective to construct the urban sustainable transportation system .

  13. 机动车交通资源状况是研究城市交通运输系统可持续发展的重要内容。

    Mechanized vehicle traffic resources condition is very important to sustainable development in city traffic system .

  14. 而作为城市交通运输的主体,公共交通直接地服务并影响着广大人民群众的出行。

    As the main subject of urban transportation , it services and influences directly many travelling masses .

  15. 是否具备完善、科学、合理的城市交通运输体系,是现代化城市的重要标志之一。

    Whether there is a perfect , scientific and rational urban traffic system is an important symbol of a modern city .

  16. 城市交通运输条件是引起产业集聚的重要因素,对全要素生产率增长率及其各分量都有着正向促进作用。

    Transportation condition is also a key factor which may result in industry agglomeration and promote TFP growth and its factors .

  17. 出租车以其方便、快捷、安全、舒适的特点,成为城市交通运输体系的重要组成部分。

    Taxi becomes an important part in the architecture of city traffic because of its convenience , speediness , safety and coziness .

  18. 地铁因其快速、运量大等诸多优势,逐渐成为城市交通运输的骨干力量。

    Now , Subway is playing a backbone role gradually , because of its high speed , high capacity and many other advantages .

  19. 随着城市交通运输业的不断发展,现有的交通运输管理与服务手段已不能适应交通运输业的需求,城市智能运输系统得到了迅猛的发展。

    With the constant development of urban traffic and transportation , its existing means cannot meet the demand of traffic and transportation management and service .

  20. 在航空运输及城市交通运输领域,乘务员的运用费用在直接生产费用中仅次于燃料费用。

    In the field of air transportation and urban transportation , the use of crew costs in the direct production cost just less than fuel cost .

  21. 随着世界范围内地铁在城市交通运输中作用的不断增强,其运营安全的问题也正吸引越来越多的关注。

    As the enhancement of subway being part of urban transport in the whole world , the safety in subway operation is attracting more and more attention .

  22. 地下轨道交通即地铁,在20世纪末,现代城市交通运输方式以地铁和轻轨为主流。

    The underground railway which called subway , as the representative of modern urban transportation , has become the mainstream of global urban transport in late 20th century .

  23. 国内外对城市交通运输效率方面有过一定的研究探讨,但是没有形成科学系统的研究框架和研究方法。

    Home and abroad have been done some study on the efficiency of urban transportation , but did not form a scientific system of framework and research methods .

  24. 城市交通运输业是城市经济的基础产业,其发展水平的高低直接关系到一个城市经济的发展速度。

    Urban Transportation Industry is the basic industry of urban economy , the development level of which has a direct bearing on the speed of urban economic growth .

  25. 最后通过应用举例说明该评价体系较费用效益分析法更适用于城市交通运输项目。

    The application of the methods system to a case study suggests that the methods system can be a useful alternative to traditional benefit-cost analysis for urban transportation projects .

  26. 城市交通运输系统中,时间价值通常被分为两类:资源时间价值和行为时间价值。

    In the urban transportation system , value of travel time savings is usually divided into two important sides & resource value of time and behavior value of time .

  27. 但是世界资源研究所相信,诸如能源安全、为所有人提供电力和改进城市交通运输这样的发展目标,可以与创造一个更清洁的大气这一目标并行不悖。

    But the WRI believes that development targets such as energy security , providing electricity to entire populations , and improving urban transportation can go hand-in-hand with a cleaner atmosphere .

  28. 同时,对提高城市交通运输效率的对策进行分析,旨在为改善我国城市交通现状,提高城市交通运输效率提供一定的参考。

    Meanwhile , traffic congestion and improvement of efficiency of the transport analysis in order to Provide some references on improving the status of urban transportation and the efficiency of urban transportation .

  29. 微波车流量检测雷达作为智能交通系统中重要的交通信息来源,能够为城市交通运输管理和道路建设规划提供数据支持和辅助参考。

    As an important source of traffic information in intelligent transportation systems , the microwave traffic detection radar can provide data support and assistant reference for urban transport management and road construction planning .

  30. 当前黑车已经成为我国许多城市交通运输的软肋,严重扰乱了市场正常的运营秩序,不仅侵害了合法经营者的利益,而且影响了城市形象。

    The current " unlicensed cars " has become the soft underbelly of urban traffic , not only disrupted the market order , against the legitimate interests of the operators , but also seriously affected the image of the city .