
  • 网络city development;The City in History
  1. 历史上,郑州作为河南古都之一,历史厚重,底蕴深厚,在城市发展史上有着不可替代的作用。

    As one ancient capital in Chinese history , Zheng Zhou owns long , rich and strong history and it is irreplaceable in the history of city development .

  2. 有效保护文物建筑是保护城市发展史的重要内容,滨江一带重点保护慈云寺传统街区。

    Protecting the cultural relic effectively is the important content of the history or city development , and the main protection of the South Bank Zone is the traditional block of the Ciyun Temple .

  3. 一个双核三社区模式的城市发展史

    A History of the Development Mode with the Double - Core and Triple-Community

  4. 对更好生活的追求贯穿了人类的城市发展史。

    The quest for a better life has run through the urban history of mankind .

  5. 以工业化为前提的初期城市发展史及我国当代城市化道路选择

    History of Industrialization-based Urbanization at Initial Stage and Model Choices for Modern Urbanization in China

  6. 宋代是中国古代城市发展史上的一次飞跃和重要转折。

    The development of the city was an important transition and a leap in the Song dynasty .

  7. 纵观世界城市发展史,实际上也是人与自然不断协调、矛盾斗争的历史。

    The history of the world cities development is in fact how people harmonize and struggle against nature .

  8. 中国近现代城市发展史是一部礼与理的世界接触、较量、交融的历史,是两种不同城市哲学激烈碰撞的过程。

    The history of modern Chinese urban development is a violent conflict process of Ritualism and Rationalism , two kinds of urban philosophies .

  9. 长春市的历史发展演变过程,促使其在中国近代城市发展史上占有独特的历史地位。

    Changchun has a unique position in the history of modern cities ' development in China because of its process of development and changes .

  10. 福州八一七路是福州城市发展史的中轴线,是传统商业街,是生活性综合主干道。

    In Fuzhou city history , ba yi qi road is a pivot , a traditional shopping street , and a life comprehend avenue .

  11. 随着国际社会中环境保护思潮的涌现,揭开了城市发展史上生态觉醒的一页。

    With the emergence of the environmental thought in international community , " eco-awakening " page of the history of urban development has been opened .

  12. 东汉至北魏时期是洛阳城市发展史上最为光辉灿烂的一段时期。

    The period of the Eastern Han Dynasty - the Northern Wei Dynasty is the most glorious period of the development history of Luoyang City .

  13. 第二章通过对城市发展史上生态思想的研究,为生态城市找到了思想渊源与理论基础。

    The second Chapter provides ideological sources and theoretical foundation for the existence of ecocity after researching into the ecological consideration in the history of urban development .

  14. 杭州光复和杭州建市是杭州城市发展史上的两件大事,杭州近代市政建设也随这两件大事得以真正起步并展开深入,取得了一定的成效。

    The recovery and construction of Hangzhou are the two big events of Hangzhou ' progress , which really have promoted the present building of Hangzhou city .

  15. 唐长安城在我国古代城市发展史上占有重要的历史地位,长安城城市规划思想的研究也历来是人们所关注的课题。

    Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty occupies a important place in the development of ancient Chinese city history . The study on the idea of Chang'an city planning is a problem on the pocus of attention .

  16. 不仅因其12~13世纪最繁华的世界大都会的国际地位,而且以其独特的时代气息和深厚的文化内涵,使其成为中国城市发展史上之最大转折点。

    Not only because it was one of the largest metropolitan areas in the world in the 12th and 13th centuries , but also was the biggest turning point in the history of the development of Chinese cities .

  17. 深圳在二十多年间创造了当代中国乃至世界城市发展史上的奇迹,也为我国城市化进程的探索提供了新的模式、新的思路。

    Shenzhen has created the miracle on contemporary China and even urban development history of world over 20 years , have offered the new mode , new thinking for exploration of the process of urbanization of our country too .

  18. 第一章主要考察了滇池流域生态环境的特点及变迁历史、城市发展史,为后面的研究提供一种知识背景。

    The first chapter provides a kind of background knowledge for the subsequent research which simply carries on the investigation on the characteristics of the ecological environment and the vicissitude history of Dianchi Lake basin as well as the history of urban development .

  19. 中国城市文化发展史上的江南现象

    Phenomena of Jiangnan Region in the History of Chinese Urban Culture

  20. 济南商埠区的建立,在济南城市社会发展史上具有划时代的意义。

    The building of Jinan old commercial district is epoch-making in Jinan 's history .

  21. 城市林业发展史回顾

    Development History Review of Urban Forestry

  22. 在中国城市文化发展史上,有一个令人瞩目的江南现象,即江南城市后来居上。

    In the history of Chinese urban culture , there is o noticeable Phenomena of Jiangnan Region .

  23. 成都是一座具有4500年以上城市文明发展史,拥有2316年城市建设发展史的历史文化名城。

    Chengdu has a history of over 4500 years old , which is a historic city of 2316 years old .

  24. 自公元1153年以来,北京便以国家首都的形象在中国城市建设发展史上占据了重要位置。

    Since 1153 AD , the Beijing city plays an important role as a capital in the history of Chinese city construction .

  25. 纵观任何一个国家、任何一个城市的发展史,可以说没有拆迁就不可能有一个国家、一个城市的发展。

    Throughout the country , any one city development , we can say without advance is impossible without a country , a city .

  26. 每个时代,都在城市的发展史上留下了自己的印记,这些连续的痕迹,形成了一个文化脉络,记载着城市的兴衰荣辱。

    Each time , in the city of history have left their mark on history , a series of , formed a cultural context , the rise and fall of the city .

  27. 第二章主要对现代新兴工业城市的形成发展史进行了详细论述。

    Chapter Two discourses the forming and developing history of the modern new industrial city in detail .

  28. 城市规划的发展史是进一步强化其科学性和权威性的历史,其科学性要求规划师加深理论修养,充分认识城市这个经济-社会-自然复合生态系统的复杂性,掌握其发展演变规律。

    The scientific nature has been enhanced by theoretical studies of the complexity of city as a social , economical and natural compound system .

  29. 在城市道路的交通发展史上,环形交叉口曾发挥了非常重要的作用。

    Roundabout has played a very important role in the history of the development of urban road traffic .

  30. 城市是人类文明发展史的聚焦,也是人类改变自然的集中地。

    Urban is focal area of the human society civilization phylogeny , and also is the central area of human beings make nature change .