
  • 网络Municipal solid waste;Msw
  1. 渗滤液(Leachate)是城市固体废物填埋场(MSWLF)污染环境的主要来源之一,因此掌握其水质变化规律是研究填埋场对环境污染的首要问题。

    Leachate is one of the major pollution sources in municipal solid waste ( MSW ) landfills , so , to the environmental pollution , what matters most seems to master changing laws of water quality of the leachate . Leachate is mainly from precipitation .

  2. 城市固体废物焚烧二恶英污染防治技术

    Pollution control technologies for dioxin in incineration of municipal solid waste

  3. 从理论和实验两方面系统地阐述了粉煤灰在城市固体废物(MSW)好氧填埋中的应用。

    This paper discusses the application of the flyash in aerobic landfill of municipal soild waste ( MSW ) based on the theory and experiment .

  4. 粉煤灰在城市固体废物好氧填埋中应用的研究

    Research on Application of Flyash in aerobic landfill of municipal solid waste

  5. 熟悉城市固体废物处理和污水处理系统者优先。

    Familiar with MSW treatment & wastewater treatment is preferred .

  6. 关于城市固体废物卫生填埋场设计计算中的几个问题

    Some Problems about Design Calculation of Sanitary Landfills of Municipal Solid Wastes

  7. 香港城市固体废物系统管理

    Systematic management of municipal solid waste in Hong Kong

  8. 经济地处理城市固体废物。

    Deal with the urban solid waste in economy .

  9. 城市固体废物处理现状与发展策略

    Current Treatment and Development Strategies of Urban Solid Wastes

  10. 城市固体废物两步发酵研究

    Studies on the two-stage fermentation of urban solid wastes

  11. 城市固体废物决策管理系统研究进展

    Urban Solid Waste Decision-making Management System Research Update

  12. 我国小城市固体废物区域管理系统中若干量化指标

    Several Quantitative Targets in District Management System of Solid Wastes in Our Small Cities

  13. 循环经济理论下的城市固体废物物流系统优化模型

    An Optimal Model for Urban Solid Waste Logistics System Based on Circular Economy Theory

  14. 卫星遥感在城市固体废物堆识别中的应用

    Satellite Remote Sensing in the Application of Urban

  15. 城市固体废物的灰色预测与评价

    Grey Prediction and Assessment of Urban Solid Waste

  16. 最后,指出不确定规划的方法与理论、非线性规划的方法与理论是城市固体废物管理系统的数学规划的发展方向;

    At last , this thesis pointed that uncertainty planning methodology and non-linear planning methodology were vigor research field .

  17. 再次,针对我国固体废物管理系统规划方法落后,尝试分别用线性规划和多目标规划对深圳市城市固体废物管理系统进行优化配置;

    This thesis tried to apply linear programming and multiobject programming to the municipal solid wastes management system of Shenzhen .

  18. 因此,运用系统论的方法对城市固体废物进行规划,从而为城市固体废物管理实践提供决策支持很有必要。

    It is thus deemed necessary to develop a systems approach for analyzing waste management , so as to support decisions of waste-management operation and planning .

  19. 目前,城市固体废物主要采用地质填埋处理,淋滤液循环可以使填埋场的稳定化进程加快。

    At present , municipal solid waste is disposed mainly by landfills . Leachate recycle has been found to potentially greatly accelerate the stabilization of the landfill .

  20. 研究和开发适宜的城市固体废物处理和利用技术不仅能解决垃圾的环境污染问题,而且还能实现资源回收和能源利用。

    Research and development in disposal and utilization technology of municipal solid waste can not only solve the pollution environment problem , but also realize resource recycle and energy utilization .

  21. 传统的废物处理处置技术在无害化方面暴露出的种种缺陷,尤其是焚烧带来的二恶英和重金属问题,越来越无法满足城市固体废物的处理要求。

    The traditional technologies to dispose MSW have been proven having many shortcomings in harmlessness , especially the problems of the release of heavy metals and dioxins by incineration technology .

  22. 其他原料包括甜高粱茎杆和木薯、草、树和各种作物和木材的加工废料等纤维物质,以及城市固体废物。

    Other sources are sweet stem sorghum and cassava , and cellulosic material such as grasses , trees and various waste products from crops , wood processing and municipal solid wastes .

  23. 对城市固体废物中长期预测,由于影响因素较复杂,采用常规回归分析模型预测,一般精度较低,且要求数据充分。

    Because the factors impact are so complicated , using the model of conventional regression analysis to predict urban solid waste production could hardly obtain precision , and it also requires adequate data .

  24. 城市固体废物(城市垃圾)是国际上现代化城市环境污染的主要污染源之一,发达国家非常注重固体废物地质处置的研究,这一领域是环境工程与水资源工作者研究的热点问题。

    Municipal solid waste is one of the main pollution source for the modern cities in the world , the research on geological disposal of solid wastes is very much concerned in the developed countries .

  25. 基于此,本文从城市固体废物全过程管理的角度,在充分考虑收运过程对经济、环境、社会等方面的影响的基础上,建立了收运系统多目标动态规划模型。

    Therefore , from the standpoint of integrated management of the municipal solid waste , and considering the economic , environmental and social effects of the collection and transportation system , this study established a multiobjective dynamic programming model .

  26. 城市固体废物处理处置工程是环境工程的重要组成部分,随着固体废物产生量的增加和对环境污染的日益严重,国家对固体废物的污染控制也越来越重视。

    The project to deal with cities ' solid rubbish is an important part of environment project With the growing number of solid rubbish and more and more serious environmental pollution , our country attaches more importance to the control of solid pollution .

  27. 本文讨论了城市固体废物填埋场设计中关于填埋坑渗出液生成量计算和渗出液在土层中的运动及污染物流向等问题。

    The problems about calculation of the amount of seepage produced by landfill in design of sanitary landfill of municipal solid wastes , motion of liquid seepage in the soil layer , and flow direction of pollutants etc were studied in this paper .

  28. 以《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》和可持续发展战略思想为指导,以济南市为背景,研究了在新形势下如何进行城市固体废物污染防治规划。

    Based on Jinan City and directed by the environmental pollution prevention and control law of solid waste in China and the sustainable development ideas , how to carry on urban solid waste pollution prevention and control planning in the new situation was studied .

  29. 城市固体废物的迅速增长给世界上许多地区的社会经济,人类健康,社区环境和舒适度带来了压力,并对环境质量和可持续发展提出了严峻的挑战。

    Municipal solid waste ( MSW ) generation and management issues have increasing bearing on the socio-economic , human health , aesthetics and amenity of many communities , states and nations around the world , which poses a challenge with regard to environmental quality and sustainable development .

  30. 城市固体有机废物堆肥实验装置设计

    Design of composting experimental device of municipal organic solid waste