
  1. 构建和谐社会不仅是党的奋斗目标,也是检验其执政能力的一个尺度。

    To build up a harmonious society is not only the Party 's objective of struggle but also a yardstick measuring its ruling capability .

  2. 对历史方位,即社会主义发展阶段的正确判断是确定党的奋斗目标的前提。

    To correctly position China at different times is prerequisite of reaching the goal of the Party during the period of China 's socialist development stage .

  3. 工人阶级政党的纲领是马克思主义经典作家对党的终极奋斗目标、不同社会历史阶段的任务和行动路线的科学而集中的概括。

    The working class Party 's guiding principles are Marxist classics ' highly scientific condensation on Party 's ultimate aims and tasks at different social historical period .

  4. 对当代社会主义的许多问题有了新的认识;对党的性质、奋斗目标、指导思想、组织原则、革命道路和对外政策等问题都有了许多新的认识。

    They also have new understandings about many problems concerning contemporary socialism and about party 's nature , goal of struggle , guiding thought , organization principles , revolutionary road and external policy .

  5. 党的基本路线规定了我们党的奋斗目标,指明了实现奋斗目标的基本途径、领导力量和依靠力量,是一条全面建设社会主义的路线。

    The party 's basic line decides the party 's goal of struggle and points out the basic way to realize the goal , the leading force and the power to depend on ; it is the line to build socialism .

  6. 党的纲领体现党的性质,规定党的根本任务、奋斗目标。

    The Party 's programmes reflect its nature and stipulate its historical missions and objectives .

  7. 1953年12月,我们党提出了过度时期总路线,规划了过渡时期党的奋斗目标,形成了我们党历史上第一个经济发展战略目标&国家的社会主义工业化。

    In December of 1953 , our party proposed the general line for the Transition Period and planned the objectives , which formed the first economic development strategic objective in the history of our party & Socialist Industrialization .

  8. 正确回答了新的历史时期党的建设需要研究和解决的重大问题,进一步指明了党在新世纪的奋斗目标和工作任务。

    He correctly answered major questions that need to studied and resolved for Party building in the new historical period and further identified the objectives and tasks of the Party in the new century .

  9. 党的执政方式,就是一个政党用什么样的形式、手段、方法运作国家权力,以实现党的奋斗目标。

    The ruling style of the party , what kind of form , means , method operation state power are used by a political party , in order to realize the goal of struggle of the party .