
  • 网络Urban and Regional Planning;City and Regional Planning;Urban and Regional Planner
  1. 城市和区域规划研究工作队

    Working Party on Urban and Regional Planning and Research

  2. 所需的大学课程通常包括技术科目,如测量,景观设计和建设,景观生态学,网站设计,城市和区域规划。

    Required college courses usually include technical subjects such as surveying , landscape design and construction , landscape ecology , site design , and urban and regional planning .

  3. 目前GIS己成功地应用到资源管理、城市和区域规划、交通运输等众多领域之中,并取得了显著的社会效益和经济效益。

    GIS has been applied successfully to many fields such as resource management , city and region layout , transportation , etc. Remarkable social and economic benefits have been made for the applications of GIS .

  4. 如何推行城市和区域规划改革:一位西方规划师的认识

    Urban & Regional Planning Reform : A Foreign Perspective

  5. 国际城市和区域规划人员学会

    International Society of City and Regional Planners