
  • 网络Geotechnical Engineering World
  1. 介绍了目前岩土工程界提出的非饱和土抗剪强度公式。

    Introducing the formulates of shear strength of unsaturated soils .

  2. 然而,目前岩土工程界尚无可资利用的研究成果。

    However , at present there is no available geotechnical engineering research results .

  3. 基坑支护工程是当代岩土工程界研究的难点与热点问题。

    Foundation pit support is the hot and difficult problem in geotechnical engineering nowadays .

  4. 桩基的负摩阻力是岩土工程界研究的热点问题之一。

    The negative friction of piles is a hotspot problem in Geotechnical Engineering field .

  5. 焦点论坛莫把虚构当真实&岩土工程界概念混乱现象剖析

    No confusing fiction with reality & Analysis of misunderstanding of some concepts in Geotechnical Engineering

  6. 降雨入渗作用下非饱和土的响应是目前岩土工程界研究的重要内容之一。

    The response of unsaturated soil under rainfall infiltration is an important part of geotechnical studies .

  7. 地基的稳定与变形问题一直是岩土工程界的主要研究课题之一。

    The stability and deformation of foundation has been one of the main research topics of geotechnics .

  8. 悬臂式挡土墙作为挡土墙的一种常见的形式,在岩土工程界应用广泛。

    As a common form of retaining wall , Cantilever retaining wall is widely used in geotechnical engineering .

  9. 有限元强度折减法是近年来岩土工程界广受关注的一种边坡稳定性分析方法。

    Nonlinear FEM strength reduction is a slop stability analysis method which is widely cared in the geotechnical field .

  10. 近年来,岩土工程界对将经济易行的动力固结法应用于饱和软粘土进行了很多有益的探索,将排水固结法的思想融入动力固结法中。

    In resent years , Many beneficial researches on dynamic consolidation method applied to saturated clay have been conducted .

  11. 悬臂式挡土墙的质量检测及抗震设计研究一直是岩土工程界广泛关注的问题。

    Quality inspection and study on seismic design of Cantilever retaining wall have been widely concerned in the geotechnical field .

  12. 土体与支挡结构的变形与稳定是岩土工程界关注的一个重要问题。

    Deformation and stability due to the interaction between soil and retaining structures are the primary problems in geotechnical engineering .

  13. 隧道二次衬砌应力、应变状态的长期监测,一直是国内外岩土工程界关注的焦点。

    The long-term monitoring of secondary tunnel lining stress and strain is always a focus problem in geotechnical engineering field .

  14. 边坡地震稳定性分析已成为岩土工程界和地震工程界的重要课题之一。

    Analysis of seismic stability of slopes have become one of the important topics in geotechnical engineering and earthquake engineering .

  15. 因此如何预测路基的沉降是一个难题,也是岩土工程界的热点之一。

    So how to predict the settlement of the roadbed is a problem and one of the hot of the geotechnical engineering .

  16. 滑坡稳定性问题一直是岩土工程界的一个重要研究课题,它所涉及的工程领域较广泛。

    The stability of landslides has long been and still is an important problem , which needing research in the geotechnical field .

  17. 探地雷达技术以其无损、快速、简便、高分辨率和经济的特点,正越来越引起岩土工程界的青睐。

    Ground penetrating radar technology with nondestructive , fast , simple , high-resolution and economic characteristics , began to attract the attention .

  18. 锚固系统的缺陷识别、质量诊断以及实时检测,一直是岩土工程界广泛关注的问题。

    The defect identification , quality diagnosis and real-time testing to anchorage systems have been extensively concerned in the field of geotechnical engineering .

  19. 因而,研究和应用一种新的锚固质量检测方法,已经成为岩土工程界一个急需解决的课题。

    Thus , researching and applying a new test for the quality of rock bolt bonding is an important task in the rock-soil field .

  20. 20世纪初,国内岩土工程界应用国际上通用程序,大力发展有限元极限分析法并拓宽其在岩土工程中的应用。

    In the early20th century , finite element limit analysis method has been developed vigorously in domestic geotechnical engineering using international common finite element procedures .

  21. 桩基础极限承载力问题一直是岩土工程界广泛关注的问题。

    The ultimate bearing capacity problem of the pile foundation has been becoming one of most important problems in geotechnical engineering field at all times .

  22. 边坡稳定性分析自上世纪60年代以来一直是岩土工程界研究的重要课题之一。

    The slope stability analysis has been one of the important topics of the rock-soil engineering field research since 60 's in the last century .

  23. 桩基质量检测,特别是桩体完整性及损伤程度的评估,一直是岩土工程界十分重要的问题,目前常规物探方法难以取得良好的成像效果。

    Quality inspection of pile foundations , is very important in the field of geotectonic engineering , especially engineering evaluation of integrality and damage degree .

  24. 研究目前岩土工程界提出的多种克服有限元病态问题的方法及各自的特点(如正则化方法、归一化方法及变刚度方法等)。

    And researches the characteristics and applicable situation of many methods to conquer ill-condition problems such as regularization , standardization and splitting elastic modules finite elements .

  25. 锚杆锚固技术在岩土工程界应用广泛,但由于各种因素的影响,锚固系统往往存在许多缺陷。

    Anchoring system on rock and soil is widely used in geotechnical engineering . ordinarily anchor system has lots of defects because of affected by different facters .

  26. 因此,防震抗震技术研究具有重要的理论意义和应用价值,也倍受各国岩土工程界诸多学者、专家的广泛关注。

    Therefore , the Earthquake Research Seismic great theoretical significance and application value , but also many popular countries in the geotechnical engineering scholars and experts of wide concern .

  27. 边坡在这些因素影响下的动力响应规律一直是岩土工程界十分关心却又迟迟未能有效解决的问题。

    Slope under the influence of these factors , the dynamic response of the law has been Geotechnical engineering very concerned about and effective solution to the problem of delay .

  28. 加筋土工程(如加筋挡土墙、加筋地基、加筋路堤)是目前岩土工程界研究的重点领域之一。

    The research on reinforced soil ( reinforced earth retaining wall , reinforced foundation , reinforced embankment ) is one of the significant field of the geotechnical engineering at present .

  29. 土坡稳定一直以来都是岩土工程界的一个典型问题,由于其具有多发性、破坏性及土体参数不确定性等特点而广泛被工程师们关注。

    Stability of soil slope has always been a typical geotechnical problem , to which many engineers widely pay attention because of its frequency , destructiveness and uncertainty of soil parameters .

  30. 另一方面,国内岩土工程界对于压力分散型锚杆在岩层,特别是在软弱岩层中的工作性能所进行的研究还相当少。

    On the other hand , the study on work performance of pressure-dispersive anchor in rock stratum and weak rock stratum especially is not sufficient in the civil geotechnical engineering circles .