
  1. 岩溶残余堆积物后期又经历红土化作用,造就了红粘土的基本特征。

    The later period of karst corrosion deposit experienced lateritization , had accomplished the red clay basic characteristic .

  2. 鄂西某坝坝肩深部层状岩溶坍塌堆积物渗透特性研究

    Study on Seepage Deformation of Solution Collapse Layer in the Deep Rock Body of a Dam Shoulder in West Hubei

  3. 岩溶地区洞穴堆积物研究

    Study on Cave-deposit in Karst Areas

  4. 岩溶地区土状堆积物物质来源判别的实用指标&粒度分布特征

    Practical index to distinguish the origin of earthy deposits in karst area - characteristics of grain size distribution