
yán shí tū chū
  • bump;rock outburst;crump
  1. 矿山岩石突出危险预测的新方法&矿井微重力测量法

    New forecast method for mine rock projection-mine micro-gravity measure method

  2. 一大块岩石突出水面。

    A Big rock stuck out of the water . A big rock blocked the mouth of the cave .

  3. 这一周的拍摄工作出现了很多小意外:一位特技协调员在岩石突出部位不慎滑倒,身体上留下了几条严重的伤痕;

    During the week , minor mishaps abound on the set : A stunt coordinator slips on a rocky ledge , leaving large scratches along the side of his body ;

  4. 他们放出绳子使他降到那块岩石的突出部分。

    They paid out the line to lower him to the ledge .

  5. 这里岩石向外突出形成一片宽阔的平台,站在上面可以俯瞰下面的山谷。

    He was on a wide ledge overlooking the valley .

  6. 他们在一个岩石的突出部分底下熏上了自己的名字,再往前走。

    They smoked their own names under an overhanging self and moved on .

  7. 岩石和瓦斯突出的评述

    Remarks Concerning Sudden Rock and Gas Mass Outbursts

  8. 营城煤田岩石与二氧化碳突出预测与防治研究

    Research on Forecast and Prevention of Rock and Carbon Dioxide Outburst in Yingcheng Coal Field

  9. 矿山开采过程中,工程地质条件复杂,岩石力学问题突出,一直是制约矿山安全生产、持续发展的难题。

    During the mining , the geological engineering condition is complex and problems of rock mechanics are intricate .

  10. 文章指出:防止岩石与二氧化碳突出的关键是阻止裂缝区的形成与扩展;

    The paper points out that the key to prevention of outburst of rock and carbon dioxide is to stop formation of fractured zone and its propagation ;

  11. 本文在总结国内外现有防突措施的基础上,提出了一种新的防止岩石与二氧化碳突出的局部措施&深孔控制卸压爆破。

    The paper proposes a new measure which can prevent locally outburst of rock and carbon dioxide , i.e. controlled pressure relief blasting of deep holes , on the basis of a summary of existing outburst control measures at home and abroad .

  12. 地应力测量在岩石与CO2突出灾害研究中的应用

    Application of in-situ stress measurement on bursts disasters of rock and CO_2 in coal mine