
dòng bǐ
  • start writing;put pen to paper;take up the pen
动笔 [dòng bǐ]
  • (1) [take up the pen]∶拿起笔

  • (2) [start writing]∶用笔写或画

动笔[dòng bǐ]
  1. 想清楚了再动笔。

    Think it all out before you start writing .

  2. 劳林:那会是一则轰动的报导。你马上动笔写吧。

    Lauryn : that 'll be a hot story . you 'd better start writing it straight away .

  3. 晚年他甚少动笔。

    In his later years he wrote very little

  4. 我觉得她会自己动笔;无需他人捉刀。

    I suspect she 'll be writing it herself ; she doesn 't need a ghost writer .

  5. 环球公司已同意为格里森姆下一部还未动笔的小说支付250万英镑。

    Universal have agreed to pay £ 2.5 million for Grisham 's next , as yet unwritten , novel .

  6. 这篇小说从动笔到定稿,前后用了一年时间。

    The novel took a year to write altogether , from start to finish .

  7. 但限于英语水平,本人迟迟没有动笔。

    I hesitated to begin because of my limited English level .

  8. 这些都是他刚动笔时所未意识到的。

    Which were not conseriously in his mind when he began .

  9. 几乎一年没有动笔做题些东西了。

    It 's been almost one year did not write something .

  10. 在动笔之前,你必须先打开思路。

    You should open your mind before you begin to write .

  11. 我随手拿起了纸,开始动笔记录。

    I took out some scrap paper and started writing .

  12. 所有的学生都在动笔写了,只有一个男生例外。

    All the students began to write except a boy .

  13. 所有的学生都在动笔写,只有汤姆除外。

    All the students begin to write except for Tom .

  14. 他帮我动笔写小说。

    He helped me get the novel off the ground .

  15. 以动口、动手、动笔相结合培养医学生综合能力的研究

    Culture Medical Students ' Ability Using Their Mouth , Hand and Pen

  16. 当你开始感到小说急不可待的脉动时,就动笔写作。

    Write your story when you begin to feel its insistent pulse .

  17. 他只在想写作的时候才动笔写。

    He writes only when he feels inclined to .

  18. 我想你说的对,我要开始动笔写了。

    I guess you 're right , I got to go get started .

  19. 在你开始动笔之前,先系统地陈述一下你的思想。

    Formulate your ideas before you begin to write .

  20. 弹吉它。我简直没法动笔。

    Practising the guitar . I just can 't get pen to paper .

  21. 她宁可打电话,而不愿意动笔写。

    She 'll use the telephone before she 'll put pen to paper .

  22. 他当时已经根本不能动笔了,先生。

    He was unable to write , sir .

  23. 然而,她临到截止日期的前一天才开始动笔。

    However , she started to write her essay only one day before the deadline .

  24. 你会不会由于计划过于宏大而来不及动笔呢?

    Would your plans be so extensive that you never even got to the writing ?

  25. 她排除一切杂念动笔写了起来。

    She emptied out all other thoughts from her mind and put pen to paper .

  26. 通过动笔可以减轻记忆负担,更有利于问题的解决。

    Using the paper and pen could relieve the burden of working memory and got facilitation .

  27. 我从未听说过任何一位作家像我们在学校那样,动笔前先列什么提纲。

    I never heard of anyone making a'skeleton ' , as we were taught at school .

  28. 这对我即将开始动笔的新书也是一个鼓励。

    And it would be a late encouragement for the book I have been thinking to write .

  29. 除了动笔之外,我们还会不时地让你动动嘴&要求你把一些东西大声地说出来。

    We shall occasionally ask you to use your voice as your pencil-to say things out loud .

  30. 我可以用中文动笔,没多久就写出读者认为通俗、风格鲜明的文字。

    I could write in Chinese , and soon developed a style people say was popular though distinctive .