
  • 网络dynamic combination;dynamic composition;dynamic composing
  1. 基于J2EE与XML的多层架构动态组合技术

    Dynamic Combination Technology of Multi-tier Architecture Based on J2EE and XML

  2. 通过运用此机制可以在实现Web服务高效动态组合的同时满足用户对非功能方面的需求,通过利用构件技术对Web服务进行开发,使得整个过程更加灵活。

    This mechanism can achieve high dynamic combination of Web services which meet non-functional aspects of user needs . The using of component technology to develop new Web services makes the mechanism flexible .

  3. 基于模板和上下文的语义Web服务动态组合

    Semantic Web Services Dynamic Composition Based on Templet and Context

  4. 一种基于语义的Web服务动态组合及其实现

    A Dynamic Web Services Composition and Realization Based on Semantic

  5. comFlow:一个支持Web服务动态组合的原型系统

    ComFlow : Prototype system for web services dynamic composition

  6. Web服务的出现,使得一个行业内部的复杂任务可以通过Web服务的动态组合得以实现。

    A complex task could be accomplished by the composition of Web service .

  7. 基于领域本体的Web服务动态组合模型

    Dynamic Web service composition model based on domain ontology

  8. 根据定义的组合规则,提出了服务匹配算法;给出语义Web服务动态组合平台的框架结构。

    Giving a matchmaking algorithm and describing a Semantic Web Service composition architecture .

  9. Web服务动态组合的研究

    Research of Dynamic Composition of Web Services

  10. Web服务动态组合中Qos的压力测试

    Research on Stress Testing to Qos of Dynamic Web Service Composition

  11. 通过这种方式,Web服务可以被有效地动态组合,业务流程也可以被更好地重用。

    In this way , the Web services are dynamically composed and the business processes are better reused .

  12. 基于MDA的Web服务动态组合的研究

    Study on web services dynamic composition based on MDA

  13. 基于Petri网的Web服务动态组合方法研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of a Dynamic Web Service Composition Based on Petri Net

  14. 论文通过分析原有Web服务组合的特点,提出一个基于语义的Web服务动态组合框架,并在此基础上实现了一个动态服务组合系统原型。

    Dynamic composition service framework is proposed based on semantic Web through analyzing characters of primal Web service composition .

  15. 基于Petri网的Web服务动态组合

    Dynamic Web Service Composition Based on Petri Nets

  16. 为评估动态组合Web服务的语义匹配度提供技术上的支持。

    This algorithm provides the technical support for evaluating the semantic matchmaking degree of dynamic Web services composition . 4 .

  17. 通过系统的实例操作初步验证了基于语义的Web服务动态组合框架的适用性与有效性。

    Through the system testing and use case analysis , the validity and applicability of the dynamic composing framework of Web Services are verified .

  18. Web服务组合的方式有两种,静态组合和动态组合。

    The ways of Web service composition can be devided into two categories in the way of composition generation : dynamic composition and static composition .

  19. 系统的下位机采用动态组合NeuronC函数模块的方式实现控制程序的组态;

    In the system , programs in the nodes construct control system dynamically by using Neuron C function modules .

  20. 提出了一种新的动态组合RSA算法。

    A new fast dynamic combined modular exponentiation multiplication is presented .

  21. 端点引用将在运行时进行动态组合,从而不需要预先存在的SCA导入。

    The endpoint reference is dynamically composed at runtime , without requiring a pre-existing SCA import .

  22. 动态组合RSA算法

    Dynamic combined RSA algorithm Trends

  23. 然而,面对数量庞大的服务群,如何快速准确的查找到用户所需要的服务,以及如何把这些服务动态组合起来以完成特定功能便成为制约Web服务发展的核心问题。

    However , faced with a huge number of services , how to find service quickly and accurately user needs , and how to combine these services dynamically to accomplish specific features will be the core issues .

  24. 最后通过在局域网环境下基于IWSC的网上购书应用测试,表明IWSC与同类WebServices容器相比,在WebServices的智能动态组合方面具有明显优势。

    The simulation of ordering books based on IWSC indicates that IWSC has evident advantage on the intelligent dynamic combination of Web Services compared with similar Web Services containers .

  25. 本文提出的动态组合结构由PMRQUAD树、R树和HASH结构三层结构组成。

    The dynamic combined indexing structure proposed in this paper is a 3 layer structure : PMR QUAD tree , R tree and Hash structure .

  26. 对WebServices容器的智能化进行研究,提出基于Agent的智能WebServices容器(IWSC),同时也给出了一种基于IWSC的WebServices动态组合机制。

    An Intelligent Web Services Container ( IWSC ) based on agent was put forward . Its software architecture was given . Based on IWSC , a mechanism of dynamic combination of Web Services was discussed .

  27. 文章在讨论了模型的语义描述的基础上,还提出了基于HLA的模型的动态组合及动态仿真联邦的自动运行机制。

    Based on the discussion of the semantic description of models , we propose an automatic running scheme which is based on the dynamic combination of HLA models and the dynamic simulation federations .

  28. 提出并分别定义了面向协同装配的应用主模型和可视化从模型的概念,在Web环境下实现了基于应用主模型的装配干涉检查和产品多个装配序列动态组合的协同装配过程。

    The concepts of application master model and visualization slave model oriented to collaborative assembly were put forward and defined . In Web environment , assembly collision check and collaborative assembly process of dynamic combination of multi-assembly sequences were realized on the basis of application master model .

  29. 结合旅行商问题、二次指派问题以及网络路由问题等典型组合优化问题,概述了ACO在静态组合最优化和动态组合优化问题中的应用。

    The applications of ACO to static and dynamic COPs , such as traveling salesman problem , quadratic assignment problem , network routing problem are reviewed .

  30. 本文提出了一种动态组合评价方法,在指标权重的确定中以G1法为基础确定主观权重,运用熵值法确定客观权重。

    A method of Dynamic Constitution Evaluation is suggested in this paper . Subjective weigh is given based on G1 method , and objective weight obtained from entropy method .