
  • 网络action theory;motor theory
  1. 分析了用传统描述逻辑和动作理论作为智能Web中服务的逻辑基础的不充分性。

    The insufficiency of using description logic and action theory as the logical foundation for services in intelligent Web is analyzed .

  2. 本文对带阻尼吸振块梁的自由振动作了理论研究。

    In this paper , the free vibration of beams stiffened with damping vibration absorbers are studied .

  3. 本文研究了在中远距离投篮过程中所出现的偏差分类、原因及纠正方法,目的在于为运动员、教练员改进投篮技术动作提供理论依据。

    The paper studied classification of deviation , reasons and improving methods in the course of middle and long distance shots .

  4. 根据连续体振动理论对某催化蒸汽管线振动作了理论分析和探讨。

    Based on the vibration theory of continuum , a theoretical analysis and an approach were conducted for the vibration of a catalytic vapor pipelines .

  5. 文章论述了交流低压直接接触的补充保护用的漏电保护器动作特性理论的发展动向。

    The paper discusses the trend of the theoty in operating characteristic of leakage protector for compensating protection against direct contact to ac low voltage .

  6. 扭伤的机理除了与解剖结构、生理机能有关外,还与运动的技术动作,理论知识,实践经验,场地器械等有关;

    Besides , it is also related to its frame and function , students awareness and practical experiments , sports ground and apparatus in school .

  7. 同时,笔者对按揭法律关系的变动作了理论分析,并且对按揭担保物权的设定、按揭权的实现等各方面提出了一些立法建议。

    Meanwhile , the author analyses the change of legal relation among mortgage , and gives some proposals about establishment of security interest , and realization of mortgage right from legislation .

  8. 书写动作习惯理论是笔迹鉴定的基础理论,笔者对阿拉伯数字笔迹书写动作习惯的特殊性、稳定性和反映性的论述结合了阿拉伯数字笔迹自身特点,使其更加具体更有针对性。

    The theory of writing movement habits is the basic theory of handwriting identification ; the author introduces the particularity , the stability and the reflection of the writing movement habits of the Arabic numeral handwriting combining with their own characteristics , making it more specific and more targeted .

  9. 10-11岁少年女子体操运动员基本难度动作选择的理论研究

    Theoretical Study on 10-11 Year-old Female Gymnasts ' Basic Difficult Movements Choices

  10. 动作技能学习理论的演变及发展展望

    The Development and Prospects of Motor Skill Learning Theory

  11. 竞技体操动作技术创新理论探析

    On Innovation Theories of Techniques in Competitive Gymnastics

  12. 并对侧空翻转体运动的稳定性进行了论证,为教练、运动员实现这一新动作提供了理论依据。

    Theoretical basis is provided for the coach and gymnast to realize the set action .

  13. 拉丁舞业余比赛中成套动作编排的理论研究

    Graded the Theoretical Research in Personal Complete Sets of Movement in the Latin Dance Amateurish Match

  14. 因此,形成性评价对篮球技术动作和技术理论知识的掌握具有促进作用。

    Therefore , the formative evaluation can promote the basketball action and technical mastery of theoretical knowledge .

  15. 以动作技能形成理论中技能整合与技能发展理论为依据,结合田径运动教学改革实践,设计了跨栏跑周期完整技术教学模式并组织了教学实验。

    On the basis of the theory of skill integration and skill and reform practice of the track and filed , the teaching model of the period skill is design .

  16. 根据运动训练学中系统不间断性原则和运动心理学动作技能形成理论,对台球技术训练内容的设置及其训练进行分析,使台球技术训练科学化和规范化。

    According to the systematical uninterrupted principle in sports training theory and the motor learning theory in sports psychology , the setup of technical training contents and the training of billiards were analyzed to make the technical training scientific and standardized .

  17. 分成量子的动作或用量子理论来表达。

    The act of dividing into quanta or expressing in terms of quantum theory .

  18. 在对健美操的动作要素和相关理论进行阐述的基础上,提出创编健美操单个动作、组合动作和成套动作的思路及教法。

    Based on the motor elements and related theory , the author points out idea for aerobics on creating new movement , combining motion and complete movements .

  19. 探讨了动作表象法的理论基础和内涵,并对其指导高校足球课教学的适用性、具体方法等进行探索。

    This paper probes into the theoretical bases and connotation of motion representation , and explores its applicability and concrete methods in directing football teaching in colleges and universities .

  20. 本文从运动生物力学的角度,对摆动动作结构的传统理论进行深入研究,提出了新的观点,可供体操教学训练参考。

    This paper makes a thorough study in the traditional theory about swing movement structure in terms of biomechanics . It advances some new points of view which are for teaching and training reference .

  21. 当前国内对指挥动作的研究主要集中在技法的层面上,对于指挥动作本身的理论研究则较为贫乏。

    At present the domestic research on conducting motion is mainly concentrated in " the technique " then the conducting motion itself fundamental research is deficient .

  22. 目的:揭示跳马前手翻直体前空翻转体540°动作运动学规律和技术特点,对进一步改进和发展此类难度动作提供了理论依据和技术参数。

    Objective , open out the kinematical rule and technical feature of horse vaulting Handspring followed salto forward stretched with 1 1 / 2 twist , to provide more theoretics gist and technique parameter for ameliorate and develop this difficulty agcy.

  23. 着重从历史角度对竞技体操单杠飞行动作体系的发展与演进规律进行全面的回顾和系统地分析,旨在完善竞技体操动作的理论体系,提高我国单杠项目的运动技术水平。

    In this paper , the author analyzes the development and evolution law of the flight elements on the horizontal bar from the point of history .

  24. 以大学男女学生为实验对象,以两套不同难度的成套动作为实验材料,对动作操作遗忘进程进行实验研究,从而验证动作操作遗忘进程和补充动作操作遗忘理论。

    This paper reports on an experiment on movement operation forgetting process on the basis of two sets of movements of different difficulties , in which college male and female students served as subjects Thus the theory of forgetting process gets verified and supplemented as well .

  25. 因此,文章对竞技武术套路动作创新的原则与创新方法进行了论述,以拓宽武术动作创新的思路,为竞技武术套路动作的创新提供理论依据。

    Therefore , the innovation principle and the innovation methods were discussed , in order to give the innovation of martial art movement more ideas and provide theoretical reference for innovation of competitive martial art movement .

  26. 作者通过对动作美学和美学价值的系统分析,进一步论证动作美学的价值和重要意义,并通过上述的研究建立起产品动作美学的理论,并探讨提升动作审美价值的原则和方法。

    The author further demonstrated the value and significance of action by analyzing the action aesthetics and its aesthetic value . Through above analyses author built up the action aesthetics , and discussed principles and ways to improve the aesthetic value of action .