
  • 网络dynamic testing;Dynamic test
  1. 单自由度结构远程分析及拟动力试验平台

    A Platform for Remote Analysis and Pseudo Dynamic Testing of SDOF Structures

  2. 预应力高强混凝土管桩缺陷类型的动力试验分析

    Application of dynamic testing in analyzing the defects of prestress high strength concrete pile

  3. FRP加固桥梁RC短柱拟静力及网络拟动力试验

    Quasi-static testing and networked pseudo-dynamic testing on fiber reinforced plastic retrofitted reinforcement concrete short columns of bridge

  4. 数据采集与处理作为H高超声速风洞气动力试验的关键环节之一,直接影响到后期数据分析的效率和武器选型和正确性。

    Data acquisition and processing is one of important part of the aerodynamic test in wind tunnel , because it affects the efficiency and veracity of data analysis and weapon design .

  5. 在同济大学4×4m双向模拟地震振动台上对两跨钢框架进行了动力试验。本文研究利用系统识别对试件的线性特性进行参数识别。

    A two-span steel frame was tested on a 4 × 4m bi-axial shaking table ( earthquake simulator ) at Tongji University .

  6. 流体动力试验部分利用了计算流体动力学分析(CFD)工具进行了缸内过程(如压缩过程)的流体动力学仿真,得到了缸内流场、温度场和压力场的分布和变化规律;

    In the fluid test , working process in the cylinder such as compression process is simulated by hydrodynamic analysis tool , with the law of flow , temperature and pressure field variety obtained .

  7. 利用GDS三轴仪对工程场地内的原状土样进行了室内动力试验,获得了各主要土层的动弹性模量与阻尼比。

    The shear modulus and damp ratio characteristics of typical strata are achieved in the dynamic test , based on GDS triaxial dynamic system .

  8. 研究了实验子结构、计算子结构均为多自由度(MDOF)的子结构拟动力试验方法,并采用该方法对一种新型复杂高层结构&框支配筋砌体剪力墙结构进行了抗震试验研究。

    A substructure pseudo-dynamic testing method , in which both the PSD tested part and the numerically operated part are of MDOF , is studied .

  9. 利用循环三轴试验对不同降解度的MSW进行动力试验试验研究,得出了动剪切模量、阻尼比参数规律。

    We study the different degrees of degradation of MSW in using cyclic triaxial test , define different dynamic shear modulus , damping ratio parameters , and provide the basis for the dynamic model .

  10. 实时耦联动力试验(RTDHT)是一种将物理模型试验与数值求解计算实时耦联在一起的新型结构动力试验方法。

    Real-time dynamic hybrid testing ( RTDHT ) is a novel testing method coupled of physical substructure testing and numerical substructure calculation .

  11. 将两端为固定端的CFRP约束柱模型假设为一单自由度体系,应用集成的远程协同试验系统进行了弹性、塑性局部破坏以及局部破坏后这三个阶段的局域网协同拟动力试验。

    Using the integrated testing system , the pseudo-dynamic testing is carried out about a column model restrained by CFRP at the stage of elastic behavior , plastic partial damage and post partial damage through assuming the column model fixed at both sides as a single DOF system .

  12. 结合某带动力试验任务,对CARDC的4m×3m风洞带动力试验技术进行了改进,完善了单体试验(即校准试验)方法及全机试验时螺旋桨直接影响扣除方法,使试验结果更趋合理。

    The test method with the propeller was improved in 4m × 3m wind tunnel of CARDC , the means for monomer test was perfected and the effects were deducted on aircraft due to propeller power . The results are in accordance with the theories .

  13. 钢框架等效单自由度子结构伪动力试验

    An Equivalent SDOF Substructural PSD Test of a Steel Frame Model

  14. 钢筋混凝土筒中筒结构拟动力试验研究与理论分析

    Pseudo-dynamic test and theoretical analysis of RC tube in tube structure

  15. 用计算机&试验机联机系统进行结构拟动力试验的方法

    A Pseudo-dynamic Method of Structural Experiment by Computer-Actuator on-Line System

  16. 建筑结构的伪动力试验控制与计算方法

    Control and calculation method of pseudo-dynamic experiment of building structure

  17. 侧向受载排桩的动力试验及非线性分析

    Model tests and nonlinear analysis of arrayed piles under dynamic lateral loading

  18. 拟动力试验中设备误差修正的人工神经网络方法

    Rectification of equipment error for pseudo-dynamic test by artificial neural network method

  19. 高墩大跨连续梁铁路桥动力试验

    Dynamic Loading Test of Railway Long-Span Continuous Beam Bridge with High Piers

  20. 密肋复合墙体在拟动力试验下的抗震性能研究

    Study on aseismic performance of a multi-ribbed composite wall under pseudo-dynamic test

  21. 特大模型桥动力试验中的模态分离技术

    Modal Separation Techniques for Dynamic Experiment of Great Model Bridge

  22. 减摇鳍绕轴摆动时的水动力试验研究

    The experiments study on hydrodynamics of oscillating fin stabilizer around the axis

  23. 板柱体系模型动力试验研究

    Dynamic model test of a reinforced concrete slab-column system

  24. 高层结构整体模型抗震动力试验误差分析

    Error Analysis of Dynamic Test on High-rise Building Model

  25. 钻孔灌注桩现场动力试验与分析

    Field dynamic experiments of cast-in-place bored piles and analysis

  26. 框架结构拟动力试验方法研究

    Research on Frame Structural Pseudo - dynamic Test Method

  27. 结构动力试验的信号处理探讨

    Probe into signal processing for dynamic test of structure

  28. 多层框架结构远程协同拟动力试验方法研究

    Remotely Collaborative Pseudo-Dynamic Testing Method for MDOF Frame Structure

  29. 带人工塑性铰的钢筋混凝土单元框架的动力试验与系统识别

    Dynamic Experiment and System Identification of Reinforced Concrete Unit Frame With Artificial Plastic Hinges

  30. 刚块动力试验与离散元法动力分析参数选择的研究

    Dynamic test of rigid blocks and parameter study in dynamic analysis of distinct elements