
  • 网络dynamic game;dynamic game theory
  1. 论文侧重于对奥运经济冲击系统中动态对策特征的提取,建立基于多智能体的可计算模型。

    This paper emphasizes particularly on distilling characters of dynamic game in the Olympic economic shock system and builds a computational model based on agents .

  2. 特别着重强调了一些新方向和新问题,如混杂系统、动态对策等,以及它们在机械,电子等制造过程以及通讯和计算机系统中的应用。

    Some new directions arid new problems are emphasized such as hybrid systems , dynamic game , as well as their applications to mechanical , electronic and other manufacturing process , communication or computer network , etc.

  3. 基于二人零和动态对策理论,给出并证明了系统鲁棒稳定以及扰动衰减问题解存在的充分条件,通过求解离散时间HamiltonjacobiIsaacs方程给出了其鲁棒H∞状态反馈控制解。

    Based on the concept of two person zero sum differential game , the sufficient conditions for the existence of an H ∞ state feedback controller to guarantee the robust stability and disturbance attenuation level is obtained , and the solution is given in terms of Hamilton Jacobi Isaacs equation .

  4. 基于上述思想,我们利用理性预期理论和Stackelberg主从对策思想构造了中央和地方对策模型的实验平台。在这实验平台上,我们进行了一系列中央和地方动态对策的人工实验。

    Based on above ideas , we construct the interface of the game model between Central and Provinces through the use of rational expectation theory and the idea of Stackelberg principal subordinate decreasing game , and we do a series of artificial experiments about Central and Provinces .

  5. 宏观经济理性预期主从递阶动态对策研究

    The Research of Dynamic Game of Macroeconomic Rational Expectation and Principal Subordinate Decreasing

  6. 非零和动态对策的一类闭环合作策略

    Cooperative Closed - Loop Strategies for Nonzero Dynamic Game

  7. 动态对策的控制策略

    Control strategies for dynamic games

  8. 本研究着重探讨了多人动态对策情景中信息反馈方式和群体认同度对合作行为变化的影响。

    This study focused on the effects of feedback formats and group identity on cooperative behavior in dynamic dilemma games .

  9. 研究二关注群体动态对策中决策者认知特征的变化以及认知变化与行为变化的一致性。中新建交后中国对新加坡的认知变化&以国内发表的相关新加坡报道和文章数量变化为例

    The second experiment examined the cognitive transformation in dynamic decision and the cognition-behavior consistency . Changes in Chinese Cognition of Singapore after the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations

  10. 本文建立了两市场条件下两企业生产与劳动力动态对策模型,研究了企业多阶段生产和劳动力决策问题。

    In this paper , we present the dynamic games model in two markets , which determines production quantity and work force of the two firms . The decision making problem of the multi stages production and work force of firms is studied .

  11. 四川PVC产业动态及对策

    Trends and countermeasures of Sichuan PVC industry

  12. 本文利用非光滑分析理论,采用公理化方法研究了非光滑情形下的动态协商对策问题,给出其Nash协商解的必要条件,并给予了严格的数学证明。

    In this paper , dynamic nonsmooth bargaining problem is considered through an axiomatic approach in detail . Necessary condition for its Nash bargaining solution is established by the theory of nonsmooth analysis , and the strict mathematical proof is given .

  13. 动态合作对策的单调核心分配原则

    A Note on Monotonic Core Allocation Principles about Dynamic Cooperative Games

  14. 保险合同会计:国际动态与对策研究

    Accounting Issues for Insurance Contracts : International Development and Our Countermeasures

  15. 动态两难对策中信息反馈方式对合作行为的影响

    The Effects of Feedback Formats on Cooperative Behavior in Dynamic Dilemma Games

  16. 定海区森林资源消长动态及其对策

    Growth and Decline Dynamic and Countermeasures of Forest Resources in Dinghai of Zhejiang

  17. 谈两人零和离散动态无限对策

    On two - person zero-sum discrete infinite dynamic game

  18. 生产过程微机控制的国内外动态及对策

    Status and Countermeasures Against Trends of Microcomputer-based Process Controls

  19. 当代大学生的思想动态及其对策

    The Ideological Trends of Contemporary University Students and Countermeasures

  20. 第二章具体研究了具有完全信息和变化联盟结构的有限动态合作对策。

    Concretely , finite dynamic cooperative game with perfect information and changing coalitional structures is considered in the second chapter .

  21. 最后是对于同性婚姻权的问题,以其婚姻的本质和性权利的本质进行双方面的探讨,并介绍相关立法动态和对策。

    Finally , it researched on the issue of homosexual marriage rights , used the essence of marriage and the essence of sexual rights as evidence .

  22. 多目标微分对策是动态向量对策,结合了多目标规划与动态对策,扩大了微分对策在分析冲突问题时解决问题的范围,多具有非线性和不确定性特点。

    Multi-objective differential game which combines multi-objective and dynamic game , is a kind of dynamical vector games and enlarges the scope of it 's applications in analyzing the problems of conflict . It is often of nonlinear and uncertainty .

  23. 本文研究了动态合作对策模型中单调核心分配原则的有关性质,主要解决了[5]中所提到的问题,即给出了动态合作对策中存在单调核心分配原则的一个充要条件。

    In this paper , we examine some problems on allocation principles about dynamic cooperative games , and resolve the problems pointed out in 〔 5 〕, that is , obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for monotonic core allocation principles .

  24. 天津市蔬菜病害发生动态及防治对策

    Occurrence Dynamics and Control Measures of Vegetable Diseases in Tianjin

  25. 湖北省鼠情动态及防制对策

    Dynamic fluctuation of rodent infestation and its control strategy in Hubei province

  26. 野生扬子鳄种群动态及其生存对策

    The Population Dynamics and Survival Strategy of Wild Chinese Alligator

  27. 杨树虫害动态与防治对策

    Trends of Research on Poplar Insect Pests and the Strategy for Control

  28. 景德镇市结核病流行动态及防治对策探讨

    The Investigation of Tuberculosis Prevalence and Control Strategy in Jing De Zhen City

  29. 软土地基沉降动态控制处理对策研究

    Soft Ground Subsidence Countermeasures to Deal with Dynamic Control

  30. 广东省竹林病虫害的发生动态及控制对策

    The occurrence dynamics and control measures of Bamboo Diseases and pests in Guangdong Province