
yī bān xì tǒnɡ lǐ lùn
  • general system theory
  1. 本文中利用一般系统理论讨论了分散、集中和协调系统的大系统模型。

    Using general system theory , we present large scale system models of de-centralized , centralized , and coordinated decision making systems .

  2. 在一般系统理论的意义上,补偿机制命题和社会系统均衡命题是同一的。

    From the view of the general system theory , the proposition of the compensation mechanism is synonymous with social system equilibrium .

  3. 离散事件系统规范基于一般系统理论为动态离散事件系统的建模和仿真提供了标准的形式化,它可以作为HLA和多范型领域相关模型的联系纽带。

    Discrete Event System Specification ( DEVS ) is a standard modeling and simulation formalization for dynamic discrete event system based on general system theories , it can serves as a foundation to link specifications at different levels together .

  4. 数理一般系统理论方法在关联分析中的应用

    Application of mathematical general systems theory approach to association analysis

  5. 非平衡理论与一般系统理论

    Theory of Non-Equilibrium and General Theory of System

  6. 的开拓者之一的一般系统理论是生物学家路德维希冯贝塔朗菲。

    One of the pioneers of the general systems theory was the biologist Ludwig von Bertalanffy .

  7. 作者认为,系统思想的发展以古代系统观为始点,经历了近代的革命性飞跃,才促成了现代一般系统理论的形成。

    The development of system thinking taking ancient systematic thoughts as beginning , undergoing a revolutionary leap of modern times .

  8. 为将一般系统理论、贫信息系统理论和人工神经网络方法应用于控制系统奠定了基础。

    These works give the feasibility of the application of general system theory , poor information system theory and neural network in control system .

  9. 摘要本文目的是应用一般系统理论的方法用以分析交通运输与物流系统发展的问题与政策。

    The purpose of this paper is to study the issues and policy of development of transportation and logistic system in China through the application of general system theory .

  10. 系统管理理论,是把一般系统理论应用到组织管理之中,运用系统研究的方法,建立通用的模式,以系统解决管理问题的理论体系。

    System management theory implies the common system theory into the organization management , using the system research method to build a general model so as to solve the management problems systematically .

  11. 本文简要介绍了系统科学的概况,并在一般系统理论和系统模型论的基础之上,着重提出了关于广义系统理论的结构性定理组,包括十个基本定理及其推论。

    On the basis of general system theory and system model theory , this paper presents a group of principles concerned the structure for global system & including ten basic theories and their corollaries .

  12. 因此,仅从心理学、教育学、文化学、健康学或一般系统理论等角度认识和研究体育是不够的,还应借鉴生态学的原理和方法。

    Thus , it is insufficient to study the physical education and sports , a complicated ecosystem , just by psychology , pedagogy , culture , healthiness or normal system theory without ecological laws and methods .

  13. 许多学者根据不同的理论提出不同的理论架构来解释人力资源管理与企业绩效的关系,如资源基础理论、人力资本理论、行为理论、一般系统理论以及交易与代理理论。

    Many scholars studied respectively on the effect of HRM on organization performance according to different theories , such as resource-based theory , human capital theory , behavior theory , general system theory , transaction and agent theory .

  14. 从一般系统理论出发扩展到生态系统理论,将一般生态系统的共性与创新系统相联系,并提取出创新系统的特性,作为国家或者企业在应对开放式创新时的突破点。

    The paper extend from the general system theory to ecological systems theory , linked the common of general ecological systems to innovation ecosystem , and extract the characteristics of innovation ecosystem as breakthrough in response to open innovation of countries or companies .

  15. 一般系统结构理论及其应用(Ⅱ)

    The structural theory of general systems and its applications (ⅱ)

  16. 因此,设法利用系统自身的结构性质,对具有特殊结构的大系统采用特殊的研究方法,进而研究一般大系统理论不失为研究大系统理论的一条有效途径。

    Therefore , it may be an effective way to make full use of the structure of systems , and adopt special method for systems with special structure , then study the general large-scale systems .

  17. 一般物质系统结构理论及其应用

    The structural theory of general material systems and its applications