
yī bān jiān dū
  • general supervision
  1. 行政权的内部监督分为一般监督和专门监督。

    The internal supervision of executive power is divided into general supervision and special supervision .

  2. 在列宁看来,检察监督的职能既包括一般监督,又包括诉讼监督,还包括法制统一的监督。

    On the view of Lenin , the function of prosecutorial supervision comprise of not only the general supervision but also the supervision to suit and uniform legal system .

  3. 内部审计的发展,越来越趋向于摆脱传统的财务受托责任关系的束缚,而是向管理受托责任关系拓展,内部审计也由此体现出超越一般监督职能的全新功用。

    The internal auditing has not been restricted to the traditional financial-entrusted responsibility any more and extended to the managerial-entrusted responsibility , in turn , it has exhibited some brand new utilities which surpass the ordinary function of supervision .

  4. 一般行政监督,是行政系统进行自我监督的方式之一。

    General Administrative Supervision is one of the self-supervising methods of administrative system .

  5. 一般行政监督制度比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Different General Administrative Supervising System

  6. 模拟一般保障监督方法

    Model generic safeguards approach

  7. 在该系统中取消了一般半监督学习算法中假定已知数据概率分布的条件限制,利用自适应谐振理论的稳定性和可塑性,使其具有非常强的学习新模式和纠正错误能力。

    It overcomes the limitation in the assumption in other semi-supervised learning algorithms that probabilistic distribution of data is known , and has the strong ability of learning new patterns and correcting errors because of stability and plasticity of the adaptive resonance theory .

  8. 按照宪法的规定,作为法律监督机关,检察机关应拥有完善的刑事、民事和行政诉讼监督权以及对法律、法规、规章及其他规范性法律文件实施一般法律监督的职权。

    According to the constitution , as the organization of legal supervision , the procuratorial organ should have the perfect supervision on the criminal , civil , and administrative lawsuit , and the general supervision on laws , regulations , rules , and normative legal documents .

  9. 检察厅法等还规定了法务大臣对检察官的一般性指挥监督权、检察官的任免、检察官的身份保障等制度。

    The procuratorial department law provides such provisions as general power of the minister of justice to command and supervise the prosecutor , appointment and removal of the prosecutor , safeguard of the status of the prosecutor , and etc.

  10. 企业养老金计划一般受信托公司监督,但这些信托公司的能力,不足以挑战其为管理这些计划聘用的金融服务专业人士链。

    Company pension schemes are typically overseen by trustees ill-equipped to challenge the chain of financial services professionals they employ to run schemes .

  11. 因此,股东会作为最终所有者对董事会和公司的监督作用就大大小于一般的公司,监督的重任就自然落到监事会的身上。

    As owner , the shareholders ' meeting plays less superintendence in a wholly State-owned company than in the ordinary company , so the supervisory duties should be charged with the supervisory board .

  12. 执行程序中的司法赔偿适用范围为错误执行法律文书,执行错误的法律文书不属于司法赔偿范围,一般是通过审判监督程序纠正错误的法律文书,再实施执行回转。

    Judicial compensation in execution procedure applies to the scope of executing legal instrument according to mistakes , while execution of wrong legal instrument does not belong to the scope of judicial compensation .

  13. 半监督维数约简因其能利用未标签数据的信息,在相同的数据上一般能取得比监督方法更为理想的维数约简效果,近年来受到了越来越多的研究人员的关注。

    Semi-supervised dimensionality reduction methods , which can employ information underlying the unlabeled data thus can generally outperform the supervised methods on the same data , have recently drawn more and more attention from researchers .

  14. 本文从辨识监督级和控制器监督级两方面总结了智能监督级的研究现状、研究内容和任务,归纳并提出一般性的辨识监督级和控制器监督级的框架结构。

    Based on the conclusion of the research actuality , task and content of the intelligent supervisory shell from the aspects of identification supervision and controller supervision , this paper presents general framework of the supervisory shell for identification and the supervisory shell for controller .