
zhì xún àn
  • Inquiry case;bill of addressing inquiries
  1. 质询案必须写明质询对象、询的问题和内容。

    In the proposal shall clearly be stated to whom the questions are addressed and the specific questions themselves .

  2. 质询案以口头答复的,应当由受质询机关的负责人到会答复;

    If the reply is to be made orally , the leading person of the organ addressed shall be present at the meeting to give the reply ;

  3. 提出质询案的代表半数以上对答复不满意的,可以要求受质询机关再作答复。

    If half or more of the deputies who made the proposal for addressing inquiries are not satisfied with the reply , they may demand another reply from the organ in question .