
  1. 监督可就触及任何违反监狱纪律行为的指称而讯问任何人,并就该行为作出裁定和惩罚违犯者。

    The superintendent may interrogate any person touching any alleged offence against prison discipline and determine thereupon and punish the offender .

  2. 他们讨论的最常见的话题包括孩子的睡眠、营养、纪律、行为问题、日托和学前教育。

    The most common topics they discussed included kids ' sleep , nutrition , discipline , behavior problems and day care and preschool .

  3. 高校对学生纪律处分行为的可诉性分析

    An analysis on the litigation of university ′ s disciple line punishment to students

  4. 路易吉-博比奥称该举措瞄准对象为那些“聒噪、无纪律、行为恶劣”之人。

    Bobbio says he wants to target people who are " rowdy , unruly or simply badly behaved " .

  5. 责令被监察的部门和人员停止违反法律、法规和行政纪律的行为。

    Order departments and personnel under supervision to cease acts that violate laws , regulations , and breach of administrative discipline .

  6. 据《北京晨报》报道,教育部一位发言人表示该部支持清华采取的维护学术纪律的行为。教育部同时表示,将成立学风建设委员会,来与学术不端行为作斗争。

    A spokesperson of the Ministry of Education told Beijing Morning Post yesterday that it supported the disciplinary action taken by the university .

  7. 调查处理国家行政机关、国家公务员和国家行政机关任命的其他人员违反行政纪律的行为;

    Investigate and handle acts of administrative discipline violations by state administrative organs , government functionaries , and by other personnel appointed by state administrative organs ;

  8. 鉴于张国焘严重地破坏纪律的行为,必须重申党的纪律:(一)个人服从组织;

    In view of Chang Kuo-tao 's serious violations of discipline , we must affirm anew the discipline of the Party , namely : ( 1 ) the individual is subordinate to the organization ;

  9. 他们的纪律和良好行为始终如一。

    Their discipline and good behaviour was unfailing .

  10. 当前高职院校的学风建设存在学习习惯差、学习动力不足、学习纪律差和不良行为突出等问题。

    The problems such as students ' poor study habits , inadequate study motivation , lack of study discipline and improper behaviors have existed in vocational colleges .

  11. 每个事件往往是琐碎的,独立的而且,在上下文之外考虑不构成为一个侵犯,或者,作为纪律处分或申述行为的根据。

    Each incident tends to be trivial , and on its own and out of context does not constitute an offence or grounds for disciplinary or grievance action .