
  • 网络Documentary
  1. 这部纪录影片着重展现出一场美国政治运动令人眼花缭乱的一面。

    The documentary focuses on the razzmatazz of an American political campaign .

  2. (三)为报道时事新闻,在报纸、期刊、广播、电视节目或者新闻纪录影片中引用已经发表的作品;

    Use of a published work in newspapers , periodicals , radio programmes , television programmes or newsreels for the purpose of reporting current affairs ;

  3. 技术手段提供了一个不断进步的表现平台:纪录影片时代、电子采制和卫星传输时代、数字时代以不同的技术特性规定了电视新闻怎么说的可能;

    Technology provides a progressive platform to show : different times such as the film record times , the ENG and satellite transmiting times and the digital times providing TV . News with different ways to " say " .

  4. 如果政治漫画家不能就那些敏感的话题进行创作,那就谈不上什么真正的自由社会。以后的情况,从法医调查到安葬遗骨所引起的敏感的政治、宗教问题,现已详细地拍成纪录影片。

    Unless political cartoonists feel free to dip their quills in poison ink , a society cannot truly be called free . The rest from the forensic processes to the political and religious sensitivities about the burial of the remains is now painstakingly documented .

  5. 而不属侵犯该等作品或附同该等作品的任何插图或声音纪录或影片的版权。

    In the library or archive without infringing any copyright in the work or any illustrations accompanying it or in the sound recording or film .

  6. 《唐山大地震》的首映日票房为3620万元,创下了该片的首个票房纪录&本土影片放映首日票房的最好成绩。

    " Aftershock " set its first box office record on its release day when it earned 36.2 million yuan - the highest box office ever for a local movie on its opening day .