
  • 网络IMAX;Huge Screen
  1. 最关键的区别在于,看巨幕电影时,虽然很真实,但你仍然意识到是在电影院里。

    The crucial point , when you 're at the IMAX is , although it 's very realistic , part of you is aware that you 're just in the theatre .

  2. 如今,世界上共有53个国家有IMAX银幕。IMAX公司称,巨幕电影去年实现了7亿美元的票房收入。

    IMAX screens are in 53 countries and the company reported $ 700 million in box-office sales last year .

  3. 巨幕电影公司IMAXCorp.与其韩国合作伙伴打算在中国增设30块IMAX电影银幕,在韩国增设五块。

    IMAX Corp. and its South Korean partner plan to add 30 IMAX movie screens in China and five in South Korea .

  4. 几年前卡梅隆拍出过精彩的IMAX(巨幕)电影名叫《深海异形》。

    Jim Cameron produced a really wonderful IMAX movie couple of years ago , called " Aliens of the Deep . "

  5. 一流的戏剧性表演加上出色的特效,绝对是一部值得去看巨幕的电影。

    With top-level dramatic acting as well as out-of-this-world special effects , it 's definitely one of those movies it pays to watch on the biggest cinema screen possible .