
  • 网络Giant axe;broad axe;Large Axe;great axe;battleaxe
  1. 埃德萨卫队装备盔甲和双手巨斧,为精锐重装步兵。

    Good quality heavy infantry protected by armour and equipped with foe rending two-handed axes .

  2. 又一种使用巨斧的单位。

    Another unit armed with the voulge .

  3. 他在科罗拉多的田野里拖了一下他的巨斧,结果划出了大峡谷。

    He dragged his huge ax in the field of Colorado , and thus created the Grand Canyon .

  4. 这些早期骑士全身披挂链甲,手持双手巨斧,是极为恐怖的杀戮机器。

    Encased in mail and equipped with a two handed axe these early knights are formidable fighting machines .

  5. 他们将骑兵长剑换为双手巨斧后,对抗其他步兵部队极为有效,无论攻击或守卫城墙都非常出色。

    Switching their sword to a two handed axe , these knights are an excellent anti infantry unit able to take or hold castle walls .

  6. 爱尔兰国王们最初用啤酒给付,后来用土地交换,作为他们效力军中的酬劳。这些悍勇战士们身穿轻甲,挥动双手巨斧进行厮杀。

    Originally paid in beef and later land for service to Ireland 's Kings , these fierce warriors are formidable fighters armed with large two-handed axes and wearing light armour .

  7. 第三章和第四章为本文的重点。第三章侧重于从理论方面论述为什么在我国要和国际大趋势背道而驰,坚持且频繁的使用存款准备金这项被称为巨斧的货币政策工具。

    Chapter 3 considers the reasons why our country runs counter to the global trend by insisting on and frequent using the monetary policy of reserve against deposit , which is knows as " big axe ", from theoretical point of view .

  8. 据说,在亚瑟王和圆桌骑士在卡米洛举行的新年宴会上,一位身着绿衣、骑着绿马的高大骑士走进大厅,手里拿着一把巨斧。

    According to the story , King Arthur and his Round Table Knights were holding their New Year 's banquet at Camelot when a tall knight dressed in green and riding on a green horse came in , holding a huge axe in his hand .