
  • 网络agility
  1. 我还建议采用伸展和放松练习。这可以发展柔韧和灵敏素质。

    I also recommend stretching and loosening up which will help to develop flexibility and agility .

  2. 如何改进篮球脚步移动练习的动作,提高篮球运动员灵敏素质是篮球教练员要解决的问题之一。

    How to improve the basketball footwork exercises , basketball players to improve agility is one of the basketball coaches to solve problems .

  3. 灵敏素质在排球运动中是非常重要的。

    The sensitive quality plays a very important role in volleyball game .

  4. 灵敏素质在篮球运动中是及其重要的。

    Quality is sensitive and important in basketball .

  5. 测试实验前八周与后八周运动员的五项灵敏素质指标。

    Eight weeks before the experiment and after eight weeks ' five sensitive quality index .

  6. 也验证了立卧撑转体练习是一项重要的灵敏素质内容,并对其它素质提出改变练习方法的意见。

    It was also suggested that the way of training could be improved for other diathesis .

  7. 体育院校乒乓球专修与非专修学生灵敏素质水平的对比研究

    Study of the Sensitive Quality between Specialized and Non-specialized Students in Table Tennis of PE Institutions

  8. 所以,软梯训练对青少年篮球女子运动员灵敏素质的提高有显著效果。

    So , have a significant effect to improve the training of young basketball athletes as sensitive quality .

  9. 提出了足球运动员的灵敏素质主要是由速度(反应速度、动作速度)和随机应变能力组成。

    It was put forward that the agility of soccer players consists of speed ( reflex speed and movement speed ) and improvise .

  10. 并针对足球运动员灵敏素质的特点,建立了(11~15岁)各年龄段的评价标准。

    According to the characteristics of the soccer players'agility , the evaluation standards for every age group of11 to15 years of age were established .

  11. 对我国少年足球运动员(15、16岁)灵敏素质评定方法的初步研究

    An Initial Study of the Assessment Method of the Sensitiveness for Juvenile Footballers ( at the Age of 15 and 16 ) in China

  12. 中学生排球运动员核心稳定性的增加,有助于其速度素质、灵敏素质和力量素质的提高。

    The increase of core stability , contribute to enhance the quality of speed , the quality of sensitive and the strength quality . 3 .

  13. 如何改进提高脚步移动技术,提高女排运动员的灵敏素质是我们体校教练要解决的问题之一。

    How to improve the step moving skill and sensitive quality of women volleyball players is one of the problems which Sports school coaches are confronting with .

  14. 长期进行空竹运动的老年人,其力量、柔韧、协调、神经灵敏素质优于12周空竹运动组的老年人。

    Long-term diabolo movement of the elderly and its power , flexibility , coordination , neural sensitive quality than 12 weeks diabolo exercise group of old people .

  15. 参加定向运动、拓展训练对初中生的力量素质和柔韧素质的发展有较好的效果,而轮滑对于平衡能力和灵敏素质的改善作用明显;对力量素质作用不大。

    Orientation movements and outward bound have positive effects on middle school students ' strength quality and flexibility , and skidding is good for their balance and agility ability .

  16. 由此说明,核心稳定性训练是一种改善大学篮球专选学生灵敏素质的可取的训练方法,而且对篮球基本技术动作的强化有很大帮助。

    Therefore , core stability training is a kind of improving the quality of the college basketball elective students sensitive preferable training method , and the strengthening of the basic techniques of basketball are of great help .

  17. 健美操运动能够提高力量素质、柔韧素质、灵敏素质,且效果明显;其次是耐力素质;但对速度素质影响不明显。

    Can improve the aerobics strength quality , flexibility quality , sensitive , and the effect is obvious ; the quality Next is the stamina diathesis ; But for the speed quality is not obvious effect . 4 .

  18. 根据网球运动对运动员体能的要求,可运用田径有关训练手段与方法发展网球运动员的力量素质、速度素质、耐力素质、灵敏素质与柔韧素质等。

    According to the requirements of players ' physical condition , training method in Track and Field , pandering to tennis can effectively develop players ' qualities in tennis of strength , stamina , agility , resiliency other qualities .

  19. 在教学中,通过完善教学内容,丰富教学手段,全面发展学员速度、力量、灵敏素质,分阶段、有的放矢进行教学、训练,有效地提高了学员的基本身体素质,增强了越障能力。

    By means of perfecting teaching contents , enriching teaching methods , developing students'speed , strength , sensitivity and teaching and training in different stages with clear targets , both students ' physical quality and obstacle-surmounting ability can be effectively improved .

  20. 小学生处于身体协调素质和灵敏素质发展敏感期,选择侧重协调性和灵敏性评价的田径类基础动作指标,符合学生身体生长发育规律,符合学生身体素质发展规律。

    Pupils in the physical qualities and agility to develop sensitive period , choose basic motor skill index as the coordination and agility evaluation of track and field , consistent with the growth and development rules of students ' physical quality . 3 .

  21. 本文根据灵敏素质的内容,结合足球专项的特点与要求,筛选出4项代表性指标,并以这4项代表性指标建立了少年足球运动员灵敏素质综合评价模式。

    In the light of the contents of the sensitiveness , combined with the characteristics and demands of the football major , four typical indexes are selected , and based on these four indexes the comprehensive assessment pattern is determined of the juvenile footballers ' sensitiveness .

  22. 其次是湖北高校学生身体素质需求情况,湖北高校学生在参与舞蹈啦啦操的活动中,对力量素质、耐力素质、速度素质、灵敏素质和协调能力均有不同程度的需求。

    Second is the hubei university students ' physical quality demand , hubei university students in the dance !! Fuck the activities , the quality of power , endurance quality , speed quality , the quality and the coordinated ability are sensitive have different levels of demand .

  23. 本研究主要试着探讨核心稳定性训练对大学生篮球专选学生灵敏素质的影响,通过对实验组的学生实施核心稳定性训练训练、观察与控制,最后对得出的数据进行分析与研究。

    This study tried to explore core stability training effect on the quality of the college basketball elective students sensitive , through to the experimental group students implement core stability training , observation and control , in the end of this paper , we analyzed the data and discussion .

  24. 他必须有很好的速度,力量和灵敏的素质。

    He must have speed , power and agility .

  25. 它对提高青少年力量、速度、耐力、灵敏等素质具有较高的锻炼价值。

    It 's an ideal sport to improve Teenagers'power , speed , endurance and agility .

  26. 15-17岁健美操运动员身体素质训练的基本内容是:充分发展与运动员专项运动密切相关的力量、速度、耐力、柔韧、灵敏等素质。

    Basic content of fitness training of aerobic athletes aged 15-17 are : the full development of specific sports closely related to the strength , speed , endurance , flexibility , agility and other qualities . 5 .

  27. 运动素质各要素主要由力量、速度、耐力、柔韧、灵敏、专项素质因子组成。

    The sports quality factors mainly include the strength , speed , endurance , flexibility , sensitive , and special quality factor .

  28. 身体素质和运动能力的发展水平,即速度、力量、耐力、灵敏柔韧等素质和走、跑、跳、投掷、等身体活动能力;

    The development of diathesis and movement ability including such qualities as , velocity , strength , endurance , pliability and walking , running , jumping , throwing and so on ;

  29. 哈尼族学生的速度灵敏与速度耐力素质具有一定的优势。

    Hani students show great ability in their fast reaction times and their stamina when running .

  30. 它的技术性很强、动作较复杂,对速度、力量、节奏、柔韧、灵敏、耐力等素质及全身协调配合能力要求很高。

    Technology of its strong , action is more complex , the speed , power , rhythm , flexibility , agility , endurance and systemic coordination capacity is very high .