
  1. 象世界上其他任何地方一样开放、由,香港证明了自身的灵活应变能力和坚韧不拔的精神。

    As open and free as any in the world , it has proved its flexibility and resilience .

  2. 无论学者如何争论,不论金融市场如何风云变幻,政府在金融监管方面表现出的缺乏预见性、灵活应变能力,不可否定,特别是在金融危机发生时表现得尤为突出。

    No matter how many voices scholars can argue , It can not be denied that governments has been demonstrated lack of foresight , flexibility and adaptability , regardless of financial markets amidst the winds of change , especially in the financial crisis , they behaved more seriously than normal .

  3. 灵活应变的能力就是随着情况的变化而作出迅速反应的能力。

    Flexibility is the ability to move quickly when things change .

  4. 创造性思维、灵活应变的能力都可以让你以极少的钱完成任务。

    Again , creative brainstorming and flexible thinking will help you figure out how to accomplish a task on a shoestring .

  5. 我认为,该报告最积极的内容是,有证据显示全球卫生行动具有灵活应变的能力。

    For me , some of the best news from the report is evidence that global health initiatives can be flexible and responsive .

  6. 论述美国毛皮贸易商人奥斯塔凭借政府的支持和灵活市场应变能力,建立了美国毛皮公司。

    Fur trader & Astor began to operate and established the American fur trade company by the support of the Government and flexible adaptability to the market .

  7. 世界经济全球化趋势的迅猛发展,对企业灵活的市场应变能力和柔性的管理体制提出了更高的要求。

    With the rapid development of the economic globalization trend , enterprises should be more adaptable to market changes and more flexible in management .

  8. 灵活应变和创作的能力是要不断学习的。

    Resilience . Resourcefulness and creativity . An aptitude for life-long learning .

  9. 包括上级部门加强监管,学校之间加深学习、制定应急预案模板和培养灵活意识,提高应变能力等三项。

    It includes that the superior department should strengthen supervision for emergency plan , the school need to deepen learning and cooperation between others and make emergency plan template in order to develop flexible consciousness .