
  • 网络Soul Fragment;soul shard;Horcrux
  1. 灵魂碎片:这个物品现在最多在背包中存在32个。

    Soul Shard : This item now has a maximum count of32 in inventory .

  2. 我们没有任何计划修改灵魂碎片系统,正如它是术士这职业的一部分,但是“应急灵魂碎片”技能可能被加入。

    There isn 't any plan to change the soul shard farming as it 's part of the class , but an " emergency soul shard " ability might be added .

  3. 因为他们的高级和灵魂碎片不能叠堆而不喜欢他们?

    Least favourite class because they 're advanced and shards don 't stack ?

  4. 你们灵魂的碎片。

    The pieces of your soul .

  5. 在连线的尽头将是一些灵魂的碎片一部分无意识或一些迷失的祖先和信息,那是需要整合以疗愈分裂的。

    At the end of the cord will be a fractured piece of soul , a part of the unconscious , some lost ancestors and information that requires integration for the schism to be healed .

  6. 还能找回灵魂失落的碎片。

    And little pieces of your soul will finally come back .

  7. 提升中,灵魂的分裂碎片再次成为整体。

    In ascension , the fractured pieces of soul become whole again .

  8. 人格构建在灵魂的众多分裂碎片之上,它们在人类和地球的众多意识下降之中碎裂。

    The personality is constructed of many fractured pieces of soul that split apart in the many falls of consciousness of the human species and of Earth .

  9. 当用灵魂吸取和暗影燃烧荣誉击杀目标时,返回一个灵魂碎片。

    Honorable kills will now generate a Soul Shard when Drain Soul and Shadowburn are used .

  10. 灵魂吸取现在有一定几率在目标未死于此法术的情况下获得灵魂碎片。

    Drain Soul now has a chance to produce Soul Shards even if the target doesn 't die .

  11. 吸取灵魂:每当你的吸取灵魂法术对一个可以给予你经验的目标造成伤害时,都有一定几率制造一个灵魂碎片。

    Drain Soul : Each time Drain Soul deals damage to a target which can grant experience , it now has a chance to generate a Soul Shard .