
  • 网络charismatic
  1. 有增长快速的灵恩运动,强调荣耀和热烈的集体敬拜。

    There is a fast – growing charismatic movement with emphasis on glorious , passionate , corporate worship .

  2. 这教会已经从“灵恩”转型进入“使徒性呼召”,来牧养整个城市和影响国家,这是跟神在这个时期所做的事是平行的。

    The Church has now shifted from being " Charismatic " into her " Apostolic call " to pastor the whole city and impact nations in line with God is doing at this present age .

  3. 许多反灵恩教会扮作福音派,对灵恩信仰进行不良的攻击。

    The way Charismatics worship God has been bad mouthed by anti-Charismatics who pose themselves as Evangelicals .

  4. 我们随后向首脑会议提出的最高牧灵的赞成神恩。

    We were then raised to the summit of the highest apostolate by the favour of the divine mercy .