
  1. 昨天的经文让我们看见哥林多教会没有处理信徒犯罪的问题。

    Yesterday we saw how the church at Corinth had failed to deal with sin within its membership .

  2. 哥林多教会可能是当时最大的教会之一,也是蒙神赐予最多恩赐的一间教会;

    The church at Corinth was one of the most gifted churches ; it could have been one of the largest .

  3. 处理教会的异议,揭露假师傅,阐明自己的领袖权柄,要求哥林多教会为其他信徒以及穷苦人提供财务帮助。

    Handling dissension within the church , false teaching , church leadership , and financial support for fellow believers and for the poor .

  4. 哥林多教会是保罗亲手所建,在那之后两三年他收到了这样的报告:内部的斗争和分裂严重的威胁年轻教会的成长。

    Two or three years after leaving the church he had started in Corinth , Paul heard disturbing reports : strife and division were seriously threatening the young church .