
  • 网络Gordon's;gordon;Gordons
  1. 哥顿的笑话引起了哄堂大笑。

    Gordon 's jokes produced a great deal of laughter .

  2. 那只是哥顿的小计划而已。

    It 's gordon 's little pet project .

  3. 哥顿塞特犬的骨量非常充足。

    The Gordon Setter has plenty of bone and substance .

  4. 哥顿旁边的日本人是谁?

    Who are all those Japanese guys around gordon ?

  5. 哥顿对他的失误既不惊讶也不生气。

    Gordon was not upset by his failure .

  6. 坎所以她们就打电话给布里亚郡威哥顿市附近Knoxwood野生动物救援中心请求帮助。

    So they called the Knoxwood Wildlife Rescue Centre , near Wigton , Cumbria .

  7. 为什么你不叫哥顿帮你换灯泡?

    Why don 't you ask Gordon to change the light bulb for you ?

  8. 我仍然可以发传票给哥顿。

    I can still serve gordon .

  9. 那个时期产生的著名角色包括科幻英雄飞侠哥顿,至尊神探。

    Famous characters created during that time include the science fiction hero Flash Gordon and the detective Dick Tracy .

  10. 1954年:美国第一部原子潜艇“鹦鹉螺”号于康乃迪克州哥顿市启航。

    In 1954 , the first atomic submarine , the US " Nautilus ," was launched at Groton , Connecticut .