
  1. 此袭击引来了以色列总理EO在耶路撒冷每周内阁会议上的严厉警告。

    The attack brought a stern warning from Prime Minister EO at the weekly Cabinet meeting in Jerusalem .

  2. 奥尔默特在耶路撒冷在内阁会议一开始就说“我们无意占领加沙”。

    " We have no intention of conquering Gaza ," Olmert said at the start of a cabinet meeting in Jerusalem .

  3. 苏珊娜·麦基和安迪·哈里斯是《王冠》的制片人,今年早些时候在耶路撒冷国际互联网会议上第一次涉及因性别而差别片酬。

    Suzanne Mackie and Andy Harries , both producers on the show , first touched on the pay gap during the INTV Conference in Jerusalem earlier this year .

  4. 近日,在耶路撒冷举行的INTV会议上,HBO的高级副总裁FrancescaOrsi透露,剧中许多主要角色都将死亡。

    The TV boss appeared at the Best of HBO panel at the INTV Conference in Israel and delivered the bombshell that multiple major characters will be killed off .

  5. 经合组织形容这一言论是不能接受的,并说在耶路撒冷举办这一会议的决定没有任何政治含义。

    The OECD described the comments as unacceptable and said the meeting 's location had no political implications .

  6. 赫什科夫维奇在耶路撒冷的每周内阁会议上发表讲话说,有合法的方式可以帮助加沙人民。

    Speaking at the weekly Cabinet meeting in Jerusalem , Hershkowitz said there are legal ways to help the Palestinians .