
  • 网络Yeager;Jaeger;Jager;yager
  1. 戴维・斯科特・耶格尔(DavidScottYeager)与格雷戈里・沃尔顿(GregoryWalton)撰写的综述论文指出,该干预方法吸收了以往数十年的研究,传递出“有说服力又让人不知不觉的”心理信息来消除极其有害的焦虑感和质疑。

    Drawing on decades of research , the interventions deliver ' persuasive yet stealthy ' psychological messages to neutralize crippling anxieties and doubts , according to a 2011 research review authored by David Scott Yeager , an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Texas at Austin , and Gregory Walton ,

  2. 库珀生前居住在亚利桑那州的耶格尔,很明显患上了妄想症。

    Cooper , who clearly suffered from delusion , lived in Yeager ( Arizona ) .

  3. 耶格尔为得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(UniversityofTexasatAustin)的心理学助理教授,沃尔顿则是斯坦福大学(StanfordUniversity)的心理学助理教授。

    an assistant professor of psychology at Stanford University .

  4. 幸运的是劳耶格尔湖还没人被帕库食人鱼攻击而受伤。

    Thankfully , no one was injured by the pacu in Lake Lou Yaeger .

  5. 耶格尔警告称,人们完全无视召开部际会议来考虑竞标者的法律规定。

    He warned that legal requirements for an inter-ministerial council to consider the rival bidders was simply being ignored .

  6. 耶格尔说:我们只是重新引导他们的想法,他们要自己做出所有艰难的决定和展示出成功的勇气和韧劲。

    ' We just re-direct their thinking , ' Dr. Yeager says . ' They make all the tough decisions and exhibit the grit and tenacity to succeed . '

  7. 伊利诺伊州自然资源部已向居民做出保证,在劳耶格尔湖游泳是安全的,被帕库食人鱼攻击的风险非常低。

    The Illinois Department of Natural Resources has assured residents that it is safe to swim in Lake Lou Yaeger and that attacks by the pacu are extremely rare .

  8. 拉博夫饰演的青少年山姆?维特维奇,被马克?沃尔伯格饰演的凯德?耶格尔所代替。凯德?耶格尔是一名德州的机械发明家,他无意买回的一辆旧卡车其实就是擎天柱。

    Shia LaBeouf is gone as Sam Witwicky , the Autobots " teen friend , and in his place is Mark Wahlberg as Cade Yeager , a Texas mechanic who buys an old truck that turns out to be Optimus Prime .

  9. 美国自然资源部近日表示,美国伊利诺伊州劳耶格尔湖发现帕库食人鱼,据称这种食人鱼专咬男性生殖器,与以锋利的牙齿和凶残的本性著称的比拉食人鱼同属一类。

    A pacu fish , known for eating human testicles , has been captured in Lake Lou Yaeger in Illinois , the Department of Natural Resources has stated . The fish is a relative of the piranha , which is known for its sharp teeth and vicious nature .

  10. 耶格尔称,这些训练针对学生们“对他们是否受到尊重、老师是否觉得他们愚笨以及他们是否属于所处环境的忧虑,而且在不让他们羞愧和不区别对待他们的情况下,精确并简要地向他们传达可清除那些障碍的信息。”

    The exercises take aim at students ' ' worries about whether they 're respected , whether their teachers think they 're dumb , whether they belong -- and precisely , briefly , without stigmatizing them or singling them out , give them messages that can remove those barriers , ' Dr. Yeager says .