
  • 网络Life of Jesus;Life of Christ
  1. 简介:从耶稣生平中绘画出五个鲜明、配有“前图”和“底图”的圣经故事。

    Five Bible stories from the life of Jesus brightly illustrated with " before " and " after " pictures .

  2. 我对耶稣生平的调查开始于对耶稣完成世上的使命后基督教社团的首此神学争议的研究。

    My investigation into the life of Jesus began by examining the first theological dispute that arose in the Christian community after the earthly mission of Jesus .

  3. 在一篇序言中他以文字确认上帝(参阅logos)后,他提出了从耶稣生平和圣职人员选出的一些事件。

    After a prologue in which he identifies God with the Word ( logos ), he offers selected episodes from Jesus'life and ministry .

  4. “福音书”记叙耶稣生平、为人和学说。

    The Gospels tell of the life , person , and teachings of Jesus .

  5. 任何熟悉圣经中耶稣生平的人都知道,祂有一个非常清楚的使命,而且祂必须在非常的短的时间就要达成那使命。

    Anyone familiar with the biblical account of Jesus'life knows He had a very clear mission and a very short time for its fulfillment .

  6. 内容取材于四福书的耶稣生平事迹,形式为晚明流行的版画连环画。

    This work takes the life story of Jesus from Gospels , and it follows a popular style of woodcut engraving comic books in late Ming dynasty .

  7. 我20多岁时曾经停止信教,后来一度又信,再后来撰写历史上耶稣的生平故事时又再脱教。

    I lapsed in my 20s , returned to it , then lapsed again , while writing the life of historical Jesus

  8. 它包含着现存的关于耶稣的生平,教导,受难和复活的最早文献。

    It contains the earliest documents extant on the life , teaching , crucifixion , and resurrection of jesus .

  9. 《新约》的四卷,记叙耶稣基督的生平和受难。

    Any of the four New Testament books narrating the life and death of Jesus .

  10. 《新约》回顾了耶稣基督的生平与传教经历,为早期教会阐述了其意义,尤其注重上帝与耶稣门徒之间订立的新的盟约。

    It recounts the life and ministry of Jesus and interprets their meaning for the early church , focusing especially on the new covenant created between God and the followers of Jesus .