
  • 网络Toledot Yeshu
  1. 耶稣一生的目的&就是担负世人的罪,背起自己的十字架,走向死地。

    And so all His life Christ bore His cross & the death sentence that He should die for the world .

  2. 耶稣一生中都没有发生过,任何认为所有人都可以成为弥赛亚的人,被赶出会堂的,这种事就没发生过。

    There was no movement going on during the life of Jesus where anybody that confessed Jesus to be the Messiah would be excommunicated from the synagogue , that just didn 't happen .

  3. 早在路加福音非常开头的地方,虽然耶稣一生都未接触外邦人,这一点路加留待使徒行传时才告诉我们。

    Already at the very beginning of the Gospel , though Jesus himself won 't go to the Gentiles during his life , this is something that Luke will wait until Acts to show us .

  4. 启示的固结化随即开始。耶稣的一生在四福音书里照耀出来。

    Light from heaven shone in splendid rays in the life of Jesus as seen in the Gospels .

  5. 作者似乎知道路加福音,实际上写的是耶稣的一生。

    It seems like he knows that for the Gospel of Luke anyway he 's writing a bios of Jesus , a life of Jesus .

  6. 耶稣基督的一生是完全和圣洁的。

    The life of Jesus Christ was absolutely perfect and holy .

  7. 惟有耶稣完美的一生和宝血能够补足我们在天上显出的亏欠。

    Only Jesus'perfect life and blood can provide what is lacking and balance the scales for you .

  8. 但我听到的却是,上帝是眷顾我的,那源自一份伟大的爱,他遣自己的儿子耶稣来背负我一生中所有的罪孽。

    Instead , I learned that day that God loves me , and it 's because of that great love that He sent His Son Jesus to take the punishment for all the sin in my life .

  9. 今年的圣诞节是庆祝在拿撒勒出生的耶稣2006周年诞辰的节日,耶稣的一生和教理正是基督教立教的根基。

    This year 's Christmas is the2006nd celebration of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth , on whose life and teachings the Christian religions are founded .