
  1. 在纪录片《与恐龙同行》中可以看到最新的、更加生动的电脑特效技术。

    Recent , more dramatic use of CGI was seen in “ Walking With Dinosaurs ” .

  2. VB应用程序开发中的几种特效技术和示例

    Some special techniques and examples on the development of VB application program

  3. 基于DirectX的三维游戏特效技术的研究与实现

    Research and Implement of the Special Effect in 3D Game by Using DirectX

  4. 当《霍比特人》被批评为可能过度运用CGI时,他们制作的特效技术也在不断前进。

    While The Hobbit has been criticized for possible overuse of CGI , their use of special effects has also been consistently pioneering .

  5. 北京奥运会开幕式巨幅画卷特效技术研究与实现

    The Technical Study and Materialization of the Scroll Painting Special Effects in the Opening Ceremony of the 29th Olympic Games

  6. 在《深渊》一片中破天荒使用了数字特效技术制作液态生物触手后,卡梅隆终于有充足的信心来制作续集里的液态金属反派机器人了。

    The ground-breaking effects used in The Abyss to digitally depict the water tentacle convinced Cameron that his liquid metal villain was now possible .

  7. 特效技术加强了小艇上人和野兽之间真实存在的相互吸引和排斥,也加深了人与神之间抽象玄妙的相互吸引和排斥。

    The technology reinforces the physical push and pull between man and beast on the boat and the metaphysical one between man and God .

  8. 卡梅隆最早是想把这种更先进的终结者引入第一集的,但当时的特效技术还没那么先进。

    Cameron had originally wanted to incorporate this advanced-model Terminator into the first film , but the special effects at the time were not advanced enough .

  9. 袁和平的执导风格与平庸的电脑特效技术令影片显得好像一部中国摄影棚拍出来的图画故事书。

    Mr. Yuen 's directorial style and the mediocre computer graphics give the film the picturesque , storybook feel of a Chinese studio production , however .

  10. 本文还研究了多种特效技术,在场景中添加天空、太阳光晕、林木等对象以丰富整个森林场景。

    Studied the special effect techniques to render sky , sun light , trees and other objects to enhance the environment feeling of the forest scenes . 4 .

  11. 如今的影视动画行业与高科技技术融合已经达到一个至高的境界,而这其中又与影视特效技术息息相关。

    Today , film and animation industry with high-tech technology integration has reached a supreme realm , which is closely linked with the film and television special effects technology .

  12. 边走路边发讯息不仅会令身边的同伴感到恼火,澳大利亚研究人员运用电影特效技术进行研究后发现,这种行为还会威胁自身安全。

    Texting pedestrians aren 't just an annoyance to their fellow walkers , Australian researchers armed with movie special-effects technology have determined scientifically : They 're a menace to themselves .

  13. 学习电脑视讯及音讯特效实作技术。

    Learning digital audio and video effects technology implementations .

  14. 二是基于粒子系统的环境特效的技术实现问题。

    The second is the implementation of environmental special effect based on particle system .

  15. 图像与视频的特效编辑技术就是在这种形势下所提出的一种图像与视频处理技术。

    In this situation , image and video special effect editing technologies are developed to realize these functions .

  16. 雾化渲染技术是3D实时图形渲染技术重要分支之一,也是高级3D场景渲染特效的支撑技术。

    Fog rendering technique is one of the very important branches of real-time graphics rendering technique and supportable technique of advanced 3D scene rendering special effect .

  17. 德普说,好莱坞有很多东西可以与中国分享,包括特效和科幻技术,但美国电影也可以向中国学习。

    Mr. Depp said that while Hollywood has much to share with China , including its special effects and sci-fi expertise , American films can take lessons from China as well .

  18. HBO出品的中世纪奇幻剧《权力的游戏》共收获9项艾美奖,包括特效和特技的技术类奖项,并且第3次摘得剧情类最佳剧集奖,击败了去年的获奖作品《使女的故事》。

    HBO 's medieval fantasy " Game of Thrones " won a total of nine Emmys , including technical awards for special effects and stunts , and was named best drama series for a third time , beating last year 's champion " The Handmaid 's Tale . "

  19. 研究了纹理特效与性能优化技术。

    Research on texture special effects and performance optimization technology .

  20. 结合虚拟膝关节镜手术系统开发中的实际经验,介绍了系统开发过程中的几何建模、形变计算、力反馈与场景特效处理等关键技术与模拟仿真效果;

    By the experiences in the development of the virtual surgery system for knee arthroscope , we introduce the key techniques about geometry modeling , deformation computing , mechanics feedback and special effect processing .

  21. 影视特效体现了视觉技术和艺术相结合的新发展,已成为当代电影的一种有效的表现手法,是创意实现不可或缺的技术保证。

    Video special effect shows the combination of visual technology and art new development . It has become an effective expression technique of modern film and been an essential technology to ensure the creative implementation .

  22. 令人惊心动魄的视觉特效以及考究的技术细节使观众们可以体验到广阔的太空以及身在其中的失重状态,同时片中主角的险象环生也引发了观众的强烈共鸣。

    The breathtaking visual effects and accurate technical details allow viewers to experience the weightlessness and vast distances in space , as well as a great connection to the characters as they endure one crisis after another .

  23. 这部电影的亮点之一是赤发鬼,对于特效师们来说,这个身高15米的残暴形象是全片最难最贵的角色,完全由特效技术创作,耗费近两年时间。

    One of the highlights in the film is Chi Fa Gui ( Red-hair Ghost ) , a celestial being as tall as 15 meters . Completely created by CGI technique in nearly two years , the ruthless role was the most expensive and difficult one for the special effects artists .