
  • 网络2d design
  1. 三维CAD技术作为一种先进的工程设计模式和手段,同传统的手工二维设计相比在设计理念和设计流程上有着巨大的差别。

    Three dimensional CAD design technology is an advanced design mode compared with traditional 2D design mode in the international engineering field .

  2. 气动原理图二维设计技术与回路性能分析技术;

    2D design technology of pneumatic schematic diagram and circuit analysis technology ;

  3. 因此,需要采用先进的CAD技术改变传统的二维设计方法,开发出相应的移动式钻井平台CAD软件。

    Therefore , advanced CAD technology must been apply to change the traditional two-dimensional design method and develop corresponding CAD softwares for mobile drilling platform .

  4. 目前AutoCAD的应用很多情况下是二维设计,而将三维建模技术应用于压力容器设计之中还很少见到,AutoCAD技术和压力容器设计的结合尤其是利用三维建模技术进行设计将大大地提高设计效率。

    The combination of AutoCAD technology and pressure vessel design , especially the use of 3D modeling technology will highly improve the design efficiency .

  5. 由于AutoCAD在我国的广泛使用,且在很长一段时间内,AutoCAD二维设计软件将仍然占主导地位,在AutoCAD二维图形基础上扩展CAM功能是企业的一种需求。

    Because of the widely using of AutoCAD , and for a long time it will remain the leading position , as a result it is necessary to expand CAM function based on AutoCAD .

  6. 对于把手组件和定位组件则采取从二维设计到三维设计,以及利用UG的装配功能对天窗进行装配;

    The design way from 2-D to 3-D is implemented to finish design of handle-group parts and locating-group parts and the assembly of skylight is completed using assembly function of UG .

  7. 软件在二维设计的基础上,开发了壳体三维实体自动造型功能,实现了产品模型二维向三维的转换和CAD与CAE软件间实体模型的传递。

    On the basis of two-dimensional design , a rapid three-dimensional automatic entity modeling function has been developed , which could transform the production model from two-dimension to three-dimension , and transfer the entity model from CAD software to CAE software .

  8. 利用辅助设计软件CAXA的齿形二维设计模块,按设计要求在模块中定义参数,快速生成齿轮二维图形。

    According to designers'demand to define the parameters in the module , the2D figure of the gear can be created fast , through the help of a auxiliary software & CAXA .

  9. 基于功能分解和参数化的成形刀具二维设计系统

    Forming Cutter Design System Based on Function Decomposition and Parametrization

  10. 浅谈二维设计基础课程

    Basic Course in 2-D Design

  11. 传统的二维设计方法已经难以满足现代制造加工要求。

    The traditional method of2 D design has not been able to satisfy the need of modern manufacture .

  12. 基于三维的设计较之传统的二维设计方法具有无法比拟的优越性。

    Comparing with the traditional design in 2D , the 3D design methods by computer aided have more beyond challenge advantages .

  13. 国内许多船舶制造企业,特别是中、小型企业对船舶供油单元的设计、制造仍处于二维设计水平。

    Many manufacturing enterprises , especially the middle and small enterprise , still design and manufacture the oil-feed unit by 2D design .

  14. 最后一部分是对这次课题研究的一个总结性内容,以及空间情境在二维设计中的发展前景。

    The last part is a summary of this study of the subject content , and the situation in the two-dimensional design space for development .

  15. 该文论及的平面雕刻数控编程系统是在现有的二维设计支撑软件的基础上完成的。

    Completion of the NC programming system for plane engraving mentioned in this paper is based on the supporting software for two - dimensional design .

  16. 正因为如此,在二维设计步入成熟期的今天,迫切需要更多新型的设计形式充实二维设计领域。

    Because of this , maturing in two-dimensional design , an urgent need for more new design forms to enrich the field of two-dimensional design .

  17. 由于三维模型需完全、精确反映产品的几何拓扑关系,因此,三维造型较二维设计繁琐、复杂,对设计人员计算机应用能力要求高。

    Because 3D modeling must express accurately the shape of product , it is complicated compared to 2D drawing and requires designer to know computer more .

  18. 作为对大量性定制的积极回应,设计系统在新的经济技术条件下经历了一番变革:数字量取代了模拟量、三维设计取代了二维设计、串行模式被并行模式所取代。

    Design witnessed great changes as response to new technique and economy environments of mass-customization , such as Digitalization techniques , 3D techniques , and collateral techniques .

  19. 实践结果表明,该方法使常规的二维设计提升为三维可视化设计,能大幅度提高设计质量和效率。

    The applications show that this method upgrades the traditional 2D route design to 3D visualizing design and promotes the design quality and efficiency to a great extent .

  20. 本文提出了手绘现实的思想,旨在有效地从二维设计草图生成具有真实感的几何模型及绘制效果图。

    A new concept sketching reality is been presented in this dissertation . The main idea is to convert the 2D freehand sketch to geometry model and render realistic imagery .

  21. 将版式设计的意识介入到橱窗展示设计中,这不但是二维设计与三维设计知识互通的体现,更是为橱窗设计的成熟发展提供了强大的理论平台。

    The introduction of the format design sense not only represents the implementation of the 2D and 3D design knowledge , but provides a powerful theory for commercial window design .

  22. 随着以计算机图形学为主要基础的CAD/CAM的迅猛发展,要求工程图学教育进行二维设计与三维设计并重的双重培养。

    The rapid development of CAD / CAM based on computer graphics , the education of engineering graphics should pay attention to the culture of 2D design and 3D design .

  23. 软件操作界面往往使用二维设计,这种设计虽然可以清楚的表现所需要的数据,但是却不够直观、生动。

    The software operation contact surface often uses the two dimensional design , although this kind of design may clearly show the data what we need , but it is not intuitive and vividly .

  24. 作为一种必不可少的辅助设备,矫直机结构复杂,零件数目多,传统的二维设计方法使设计人员做很多重复性的工作,设计任务重,效率低。

    As an essential auxiliary equipment , straightener complex structure , more than the number of parts , the traditional method of two-dimensional design allows designers to do a lot of repetitive work , design tasks in low .

  25. 本文运用了大量相关案例以空间、时间的变化对二维设计传达过程的影响为目的,对历时性设计的基本原理、特征、形态和变量进行了探索性的归纳和总结。

    This paper , the use of a large number of relevant cases for the purpose of spatial , temporal changes in the two-dimensional design to convey process , the exploratory and summarized diachronic basic principles of design , features , morphology and variable .

  26. 侧板遮挡度小的进气道极限反压相对较低,进气道容易进入不起动状态,应该在二维设计的基础上结合侧板位置(遮挡度)对型面进行二次改进设计。

    The inlet with smaller degree of sidewall shade has a lower back pressure limit , and would get into unstart status easier . So it is recommended to modify the compression ramp according to the degree of sidewall shade , after the 2-D design . 5 .

  27. 基于HLA的作战仿真二维态势设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Two-dimension Situation in War Game System Based on HLA / RTI

  28. 随着CAD技术基础理论及应用水平的不断提高,传统基于二维的设计理念及方法已逐渐被三维所取代。

    With the improvement of CAD theory and application , the design concept and method of traditional two-dimensional ( 2D ) CAD has gradually been replaced by three-dimensional ( 3D ) CAD .

  29. 随着复合纤维材料缠绕成型行业的发展,单纯的缠绕设备二维CAD设计已-不能满足现代短周期、低成本、高质量设计的要求。

    With the development of fiber composite materials shaping industry , a simple two-dimensional design of winding equipment does not meet modern design has a short cycle , low-cost , high-quality design requirements .

  30. 分析了中小企业的实际需求,为实现CAD与CAPP的连接,研究了二维CAD设计中工艺信息的结构,并以自行开发的CAPP系统为平台,进行了实验性研究。

    Analyzed the real demands of the middle and small enterprises . In order to connecting CAD with CAPP . Studied the structure of processing information in the two dimensions ' CAD .