
  • 网络Used;Second-hand goods
  1. 我也喜欢跳蚤市场,除了二手商品,偶尔也会找到从未使用过的新商品。

    I also like flea markets . You 've got the second-hand goods and you can also find some brand new stuff .

  2. 58同城拒绝置评。目前,58同城的市值是赶集网的两倍左右,但两家公司都提供一系列在线广告列表,包括招聘广告、住房和二手商品。

    Currently 58.com , which declined to comment , is about twice as big as Ganji.com , but both companies provide a range of online advertising listings including job adverts , housing and second-hand goods .

  3. 像eBay这样的网站在日用品和二手商品方面做得很好。网络现在也催生出种类繁多的专卖店。

    While websites like eBay are great for general items and secondhand goods , the Internet now offers a huge variety of specialty stores .

  4. 为什么这么多人喜欢买二手商品呢?

    Why do so many people like to buy secondhand goods ?

  5. 首先,二手商品比全新的便宜。

    Above all , secondhand goods are cheaper than new ones .

  6. 但是,二手商品交易也存在一些问题。

    However , there are also some problems in secondhand goods transactions .

  7. 我国个人二手商品房交易偷税法律问题研究

    Study on Legal Problem of Tax Evasion in Individual Second-hand Housing Transaction in China

  8. 那边可以发现一些不错的二手商品。

    You can find some great secondhand goods .

  9. 此外,互联网给二手商品提供了一个更方便快捷的平台。

    Besides , Internet provides a more convenient and quicker transaction platform for secondhand goods .

  10. 另一方面,二手商品市场缺乏足够的监督和管理,存在很多不诚实的商业活动。

    For another , secondhand goods market lacks enough supervision and management , and there exist many dishonest business activities .

  11. 根据二手商品电子商务系统的应用需求,进行需求分析,并对网站系统规划设计。

    According to the electronic commerce website application demand , carries on the demand analysis , and to website plan design .

  12. 一方面,二手商品的质量不能够保证,你不可以享受良好的售后服务。

    For one thing , the quality of secondhand goods can not be promised and you can not enjoy the good after-sale service .

  13. 英式拍卖目前广泛用于商品出售,主要是古董和艺术品拍卖,也用于二手商品和房地产拍卖。

    The English auction is commonly used for selling goods , most prominently antiques and artwork , but also secondhand goods and real estate .

  14. 总之,我认为二手商品交易是一种好的贸易方式,但是需要进一步完善规章制度。

    In a word , I think secondhand goods transaction is a good trading way , but it needs further perfection of the rules .

  15. 其次,二手商品交易使人们能好好利用在他们手上没有用处的东西。

    Moreover , secondhand goods transactions make it possible for people to make good use of the goods which may be useless in their hands .

  16. 前台主要包括用户的登录注册、二手商品的发布、留言等功能,后台主要实现对整个系统进行管理和维护。

    The foreground mainly contains : the users register , issue information , and leave words while the background aims to accomplish the management and protection of the whole system .

  17. 问题的各种许可证和执照,酒精,便携式的迹象,二手商品,歌舞厅,游泳池馆,小贩,流动供应商,和移动供应商街。

    Issue various permits and licenses for alcohol , portable signs , secondhand goods , dance hall , pool hall , peddler , itinerant vendor , and mobile street vendor .

  18. 除了能够找到远比一手便宜的多的商品外,你还能够帮助减少因为缺少二手商品市场而被不必要扔掉的东西的数量。

    As well as finding a cheaper product , you will be helping to reduce the number of products that are dumped unnecessarily because of a lack of a second-hand market .

  19. 买卖二手电子商品及游戏用品的电子游戏零售商游戏驿站表示,该公司在上周末举行了回购活动。

    GameStop , a video game retailer that buys and sells used electronics and games , said it held a trade-in event last weekend .

  20. 二手房对商品房价格的影响

    Impact on price of commodity apartment of second-hand house

  21. 这分二手房和商品房,还分贷款和一次性付款。

    This divides hand room and commodity house , still divide loan and lump-sum payment .

  22. 因此,二手的设计师商品成了最具有吸引力的在线寄售商品类别。

    That 's why the market for used designer goods is the most attractive category for online consignment .