
  • 网络Quadratic residue
  1. 提出二次剩余函数的概念,证明了素数模p任一二次剩余函数的值域都有(p+1)/2个元素。

    The article gives the concept of the quadratic residue function , and proves a theorem that the field of any quadratic residue function of prime modulus P has ( p + 1 ) / 2 elements .

  2. 提出一种基于二次剩余问题的新型Rabin签名方案。

    In this paper , a modified Rabin signature scheme is presented based on quadratic residue problem .

  3. 环F2+uF2上的循环码和二次剩余码

    Cyclic Codes and Quadratic Residue Codes over Ring F_2 + uF_2

  4. 为了解决这一问题,本文推广并证明了重模P,P铜的二次剩余算法,从而使得这一步骤得到完善。

    In order to solve this difficult problem , a " quadratic residue algorithm of Double - module p , p ( x )" is presented .

  5. δy2是模p的二次剩余。

    δ y2 is a quadratic residue modp , where δ is a ?

  6. 讨论了离线电子现金的概念,并在RSA盲签名和二次剩余的基础上提出了一种新的电子现金方案。

    The concept of off line electronic cash is briefly discussed , and a new electronic cash scheme based on RSA blind signature and quadratic residuosity is proposed .

  7. 该文提出了一种前向安全的代理签名方案,该方案基于零知识证明协议,在离散对数和二次剩余问题困难性的假设和随机oracle模型下系统是安全的。

    A new forward-secure proxy signature scheme is proposed . The scheme is proven to be forward secure based on the assumption of the logarithm , quadric remain problems in the random oracle model , Further more , security analysis of the proposed scheme is presented .

  8. 一般而言,该问题归结为模大素数的二次剩余问题,但这种归结不能用于最优扩域OEF。

    Generally , this problem is reduced to quadratic residue problem of modulo a big prime number . But this reduction is not applicable to Optimal Extension Fields ( OEF ) .

  9. 本文将数字签名体制与Shamir秘密分享方案相结合提出了一种门限数字签名体制,其安全性基于有限域上求解离散对数的困难性和在特定条件下求解二次剩余的困难性。

    A threshold digital signature scheme is proposed by connecting digital signature scheme with Shamir secret sharing scheme . Its security is based on the difficulty of solving discrete logarithm in finite field and quadratic residue on some special conditions .

  10. 基于二次剩余的安全矢量空间秘密共享方案

    Secret sharing scheme of secure vector space based on quadratic residue

  11. 二次剩余密码体制的安全性分析

    Cryptoanalysis of cryptosystems based on the quadratic residue problem

  12. 二次剩余原根及其Gallapher型问题

    On Quadratic Residue Primitive Root and Problem s of P.Gallapher ′ s Type

  13. 基于二次剩余问题的证书撤销方案

    A Certificate Revocation Scheme Based on Quadratic Residues Problem

  14. 关于二次剩余与原根的关系

    On the relationship between quadratic remainder and prime root

  15. 基于二次剩余定理的数字图像分存算法

    Digital Image Sharing Algorithm Based on Quadratic Residue Theorem

  16. 二次剩余码的软件编码和译码

    Software coding and decoding for quadratic residue codes

  17. 质数判定的二次剩余法

    The Method of Quadratic Residue for Prime Judgement

  18. 基于二次剩余的加密和签名算法在公文流转审批系统中的应用

    Application of Quadratic Residue-based Encryption and Signature Algorithm in State Documents Examination and Approval System

  19. 很多学者研究二次剩余,三次剩余时,均是通过它们的幂等生成多项式来考虑剩余码。

    Many scholars considered quadratic residue codes and cubic residue codes by using idempotent generators .

  20. 基于离散对数和二次剩余的门限数字签名体制的安全性分析

    The Security Analysis about the Threshold Digital Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithm and Quadratic Residue

  21. 二次剩余及其相关问题

    On quadratic residues and related problem

  22. 二次剩余码的自同构群

    The automorphism group of quadratic-residue codes

  23. 二次剩余码的有效译码

    Efficient decoding of QR codes

  24. 基于二次剩余困难性问题,提出了一种适用于制造网格环境的多重数字签名方案。

    A digital multi-signature scheme is proposed based on the intractability of computing quadratic residues in finite fields .

  25. 基于因数分解和二次剩余困难性假设,构造了一个新的按序多重数字签名方案和广播多重数字签名方案。

    A new sequential digital multi-signature scheme and a new broadcasting digital multi-signature scheme are proposed based on the difficulty assumption of factoring and quadratic residues .

  26. 在对目前已有证书状态发布方案分析的基础上,本文提出基于二次剩余难解问题的证书撤销状态发布方案。

    Following the analysis of the existing certificate revocation schemes , we propose a new certificate revocation scheme based the difficulty of resolving the Quadratic Residues problem .

  27. 二次剩余序列扩散板是一种应用非常广泛的声扩散结构,其结构简单、制造方便并且扩散性能优良。

    Quadratic residue sequence diffuser ( QRD ) is a very widely used sound diffusion structure , as for its simple structure , convenient proliferation and excellent diffusion performance .

  28. 利用具有这些性质的幂等元可讨论环Z2m上的二次剩余码是否具有有限域上二次剩余码的性质。

    Using the idempotent obtained one can discuss quadratic residue code over Z__2_m to see whether it is similar to the ( quadra - ) tic residue code over a finite field .

  29. 对基于二次剩余问题的密码体制进行安全性分析,利用Morrison-Brillhart素因子分解算法,设计一种新的有效的攻击方法。

    Supposedly secure cryptosystems have been designed using the quadratic residue problem . However as shown in this paper , Morrison Brillhart 's factorization method can be used to successfully attack these systems and we design a new attack on these cryptosystems .

  30. 本文讨论了重模二次剩余的定义、性质,完整地设计出选取最优扩域上的椭圆曲线密码系统的基点的算法,并给出了选取成功的概率和相关数学证明。

    The definition and characters of Double-module quadratic residue is discussed in this paper , The arithmetic for choosing base point of Elliptic curve cryptosystem in optimal extension field is worked out and proven mathematically , moreover , the successful probability is also provided .