
  1. 半群理论家说过:半群同余理论是半群代数理论中最深刻和最精彩的部分。

    Semigroup theoretician said : semigroup congruence theory is the part of most profound and splendid in semigroup algebra theory .

  2. 在序半群代数理论的发展过程中,同余理论和各种理想起着越来越重要的作用。

    The theory of congruences and various ideals play an increasing important role in the evo-lution of the algebraic theory of ordered semigroups .

  3. 本文应用同余理论,提出一种解不等式组的代数方法,用以确定旅客列车的合理开车范围。

    An algebraical method of solving sets of inequalities by applying congruence theory is presented to determine the reasonable time range for a passenger train to start .

  4. 正是这些领域提出的许多不同类型的问题促进了同余方程组理论的快速发展,使得同余方程组求解问题成为当今数学和密码学领域中最活跃、最热门的研究课题之一。

    It is that different types of problems presented in these areas leading to the rapid development of the solving theory of equations , making the solving of congruence equations become one of the most active and popular topics in both the field of mathematics and cryptography research .