
  • 网络Gus;goose;guth;Alan Guth
  1. 听着,你们知道古斯给我印象最深的是什么吗?

    Listen , you know what I remember about gus ?

  2. 古斯没让这些在他身上发生。

    Gus didn 't let that happen to him .

  3. 这条河曾是撒克逊人与古斯堪的纳维亚人土地的分界线。

    The river formed the frontier between the land of the Saxons and that of the Danes .

  4. 有趣的是,圣经对地狱的用法可能起源于古斯堪的纳维亚语Hel,北欧神话中Loki的女儿的名字。

    Interestingly enough , the Biblical use of hell may stem from Old Norse Hel , the name of Loki 's daughter in Norse mythology10 .

  5. 当他们将所有的步骤完成后,酿造的结果是另一种更加独特的啤酒——古斯(Geuze:发音类似于单词“goose”发重音)啤酒。

    When you throw all those steps together , the result is an even more unique beer type known as Geuze ( pronounced like a heavily accented " goose " ) .

  6. 2月份,在前任经理突然被解聘后,切尔西俱乐部的俄罗斯老板罗曼•阿布拉莫维奇(RomanAbramovich)聘请了古斯•希丁克(GuusHiddink)担任临时经理。

    Guus Hiddink , Chelsea 's temporary boss , was brought in by Roman Abramovich , the club 's Russian owner , in February , after the sudden dismissal of his predecessor .

  7. 其名称来源于两个意思分别为“神”和“草地”的古斯堪的纳维亚语汇。

    Its name derives from two Old Norse words meaning'god'and'meadow ' .

  8. 别让我把你赶出去,古斯。

    Don 't make me run you , gus .

  9. 在9世纪,古斯堪的纳维亚语往西发展至冰岛。

    And in the9th century old Norse was carried far westward to iceland .

  10. 而我和古斯就离开去做我们想做的。

    And GUS and I can go away and do whatever we want .

  11. 马上我要带着更多的渴望再到古斯图餐厅。

    I will be returning to Gusteau 's soon , hungry for more .

  12. 古斯说,利比亚仍是最大的担忧。

    He says Libya remains of great concern .

  13. 古斯毕在福克斯星期日新闻节目时说:

    Austan Goolsbee spoke on Fox News Sunday :

  14. 土耳其主教练古斯。希丁克日前否认他将重返斯坦福桥的传闻。

    Turkey coach Guus Hiddink has ruled out making a possible return to Chelsea .

  15. 本文详细讨论了古斯&汉森位移。

    The Goos-Hanchen shift is discussed in detail .

  16. 你那伟大的古斯叔叔去世了。

    Your great uncle gus ? Dead .

  17. 我和古斯从彼得处取得详细草图。

    How it works is Gus and I will get a very detailed brief from peter .

  18. 某些东西的传统隐喻名字,多用于古英语和古斯堪的纳维亚语诗歌。

    Conventional metaphoric name for something , used esp. in Old English and Old Norse poetry .

  19. 我给你做了点古斯米饭

    I made you some couscous .

  20. 在这个时期,很多拉丁语、丹麦和古斯堪的那维亚的单词融入英语。

    During this time , many Latin , Danish , and Norse words entered the English language .

  21. 维京人的某些祖先11世纪时以古斯堪的那维亚人的面貌出现,留下了不同的侧重点。

    The specific root viking reappears in the11th century in Old Norse , with a different emphasis .

  22. 古斯过世了,我要念葬礼悼词,所以请不要破坏婚礼。

    Gus is dead and I gotta give the eulogy , so please don 't ruin the funeral .

  23. 中国通古斯语族民族的萨满教特点通古斯&满语族英雄神话比较

    The Shamanism Features of the Tunguses in China A Comparative Study of Heroic mythologies in Tungusic - Manchu family

  24. 而当介质的吸收较弱时,正折射材料表面的古斯-汉欣位移才会出现正位移。

    When the absorption is weak , the lateral shift for the composites with positive refraction will exhibit a positive displacement .

  25. 古斯-汉欣效应由于其深刻的物理内涵以及它的潜在应用,自发现以来,受到了物理学界的广泛关注。

    Since it was discovered , GHE have received much attention in physics world for its profound physical meaning and potential applications .

  26. 通过1∶5万区调填图,在原划上石炭统奇尔古斯套组内发现一套火山岩系。

    Through the1 ∶ 50000 regional geological mapping , a suite of volcanic rocks was discovered in the original Upper Carboniferous Qirgustaw Formation .

  27. 而与此同时,主管该市经济与发展的多瑞达。海登。古斯正陷入多家公司寻求经济援助的包围之中。

    Meanwhile , Dorinda Heiden-Guss , who heads the county 's economic-development group , has been barraged with requests from companies seeking incentives .

  28. 古斯指出,泰国和柬埔寨现在都表示,他们正采取步骤,希望在近期加入禁止集束弹公约。

    Interestingly , Goose says both Thailand and Cambodia now indicate they are taking steps to accede to the Convention in the near future .

  29. 古斯是银河系中最优秀的垃圾清理员,他穿上宇航服,开始清扫另外一堆银河垃圾。

    Gus , the best garbage collector in the galaxy , put on his space gear and set out to clean up another galactic mess .

  30. 蒙古种族中,一个散布在东西伯利亚、说通古斯语的游牧民族;他们和满族人有联系。

    A member of the Tungus speaking people of Mongolian race who are a nomadic people widely spread over E Siberia ; related to the Manchu .