
  • 网络Kessel;kaiser
  1. 凯塞尔说:任何东西都是暂时的,尤其是市场价位。凯塞尔的公司名为AbacusWealthPartners,位于加州圣莫尼卡(SantaMonica)。

    ' Everything is impermanent , especially the market 's level , ' says Mr. Kessel , whose firm is Abacus Wealth Partners in Santa Monica , Calif.

  2. 在今年3月份道琼斯指数触及纪录新高的那一天,布伦特•凯塞尔(BrentKessel)凌晨三点半就醒来了。

    When the Dow Jones Industrial Average hit a new record this past March , Brent Kessel awoke at 3:30 a.m.

  3. 像凯塞尔这样的财务顾问还有很多,他们把瑜伽和冥想从静修处带出来,把它们与Excel电子表格结合在了一起。

    He is one of a breed of financial advisers who are taking yoga and meditation out of the ashram and putting them into Excel spreadsheets .

  4. 利用室内凯塞尔效应实验、DSA测试、古地磁测试等多种方法进行地应力的室内测试工作,取得多方面的测试数据。

    The indoor test of ground stress was conducted by means of Kaiser Effect Test , DSA Test , and Paleomagnetic Test and so on , thus obtaining a lot of test data .

  5. 与凯塞尔和舍曼一样,杰夫•博加特(JeffBogart)也是金德的门徒。博加特去年创建了YogicInvesting,这是他位于克利夫兰(Cleveland)地区的财务顾问公司的分部,是受瑜伽思想启发而建立的。

    Jeff Bogart , like Messrs. Kessel and Sherman a Kinder disciple , launched Yogic Investing , a yoga-inspired branch of his Cleveland-area financial-advisory firm last year . '

  6. 凯塞尔当时是在印度迈索尔(Mysore)的一所学校里(现代瑜伽的一个分支源自这里),他骑在一辆踏板摩托车上,一条腿站立,另一条腿放在脑后,一边用梵语吟唱着。

    He was hopping on a motor scooter in Mysore , India , to stand on one leg with the other leg behind his head and chant in Sanskrit at the school where a branch of modern yoga has its origins .

  7. 凯塞尔和舍曼在Abacus采取的财务规划方式受到了金德的影响,两人表示,他们根据研究,而非“情绪和热门建议”来购买股票和债券。他们一般更喜欢被动型指数基金,而非积极管理型基金。

    Messrs. Kessel and Sherman use a Kinder-influenced financial-planning approach at Abacus , and say they buy stocks and bonds based on research instead of ' emotions and hot tips . ' They typically prefer passive index funds to actively managed ones , and unlike panicked investors who fled equities during the financial crisis ,

  8. 三向应力下长石石英砂岩凯塞尔效应试验研究

    The test study on the Kaiser effect of the feldspathic quartz sandstone under triaxial compression

  9. 那正是凯塞尔来①在维也纳会议上开列法国赔款清单时的口气。

    It was the accent of Castlereagh auditing France 's bill at the Congress of Vienna .

  10. 声发射凯塞尔效应岩体地应力测试的研究

    Study on crustal stress measurement of rock mass by the Kaiser effect of acoustic emission in rock

  11. 凯塞尔当天晚些时候忙于回复来自客户和同事的电子邮件。他没有理会当日的牛市。

    Mr. Kessel , who devoted himself to responding to emails from his clients and colleagues later that day , shrugs off the bull market .

  12. 凯塞尔说:我觉得人们很常见的反应是(即使在15年前也是一样),‘这帮家伙是加州的江湖骗子’。

    ' I think the very common reaction , even 15 years ago , would have been , ' These guys are California quack jobs , ' ' says Mr. Kessel .

  13. 凯塞尔说:在无球状态下我们表现的很棒,但是我们要加强对球的控制。我们会对这个加强训练。

    Kaiser said : We were very good without the ball , but we have to be better in possession and we will work on that . about how life could be * how he could be .

  14. 凯塞尔说:我们有许多卫星飞过那个区域,通讯卫星、导航卫星等。因此我们必须弄清楚影响是什么,因为这些影响可能会很大。

    We also have a lot of satellites that fly through that area - communications satellites , navigation satellites - and so we need to understand what it is that the effects are , because the effects can be quite dramatic , said Kessel .