
  • 网络Disquisitiones Arithmeticae;Disquisitiones Arithemeticae
  1. 目前关于DNA计算以及P系统的研究主要集中在计算的能行性与计算能力方面,本文则致力于基本的算术运算研究。

    Currently , the study of DNA computing and P system is mostly concentrated in the feasibility and capacity of computing .

  2. 大象会简单的算术,研究证实他们认得自己的影像。

    ELEPHANTS can perform simple arithmetic and have passed self-recognition tests .

  3. 机载RISCFPU中基本算术运算算法研究与实现

    Improved Algorithms for Basic Arithmetic Operations in Airborne RISC FPU

  4. 而在OTC(柜台交易)市场上交易的绝大部分亚式期权都是标的算术平均,研究算术平均亚式期权定价问题就变得非常有意义。

    The majority of underlying asset of Asian option are arithmetic average in the OTC market . Therefore researching Asian option pricing is becoming more significant .

  5. 工作记忆与算术认知的研究现状与前瞻

    Retrospect and Prospect of the Study on Working Memory and Mental Arithmetic

  6. 基于上下文的算术编码器的研究与设计

    Research and Design of the Context - Based Arithmetic Coding

  7. 甚低频通信系统的自适应算术数据压缩研究

    Analysis of the Arithmetic Coding Adaptive Data Compression for a VLF Communication System

  8. 0-7岁幼儿算术能力发展研究进展

    Advances in Studies of Arithmetical Abilities of Infants from 0 to 7 Years Old

  9. 2元信源算术编码的研究

    Study of Arithmetic Coding for Binary Sources

  10. 国内外学者关于工作记忆和算术认识的研究已经很多,但是关于工作记忆和代数认知的研究却比较少。

    Overseas and domestic scholars have had researched a lot about working memory and arithmetic cognition . But the relation between working memory and algebraic cognition was researched rarely .

  11. 本文介绍了区间算术原理,研究了区间算术在直线与隐式曲面求交的应用,给出了相应的算法。

    This paper introduces the principle of interval arithmetic , studies the application of interval arithmetic method in obtaining the intersections of straight line with implicit surface , and presents a related algorithm .

  12. 论文首先回顾了浮点处理器的发展历程,详细介绍了浮点算术领域的研究发展情况以及国内外在这一领域内典型的研究成果,阐明了浮点处理器广阔的应用范围和进行浮点算术研究的巨大意义。

    Firstly , this thesis reviews the history of FPU , introduces the development of computer floating-point arithmetic and the typical research achievements in this area all over the world in detail , and illuminates the broad application of FPU and the great significance of the research on floating-point arithmetic .

  13. 并根据灰度图像经小波变换以后系数的分布、统计特性,对现今十分流行的嵌入零树(EZW)、分层树集合分割排序(SPIHT)算术编码方法进行研究。

    Based on the good statistical feature of wavelet image , it presents a study of the most popular coding methods : embedded zero wavelet ( EZW ), set partitioning in hierarchical trees ( SPIHT ) .

  14. 区间算术和仿射算术的研究与应用

    A Survey on Research and Applications of Interval Arithmetic and Affine Arithmetic