
suàn mìng
  • fortune-telling
算命 [suàn mìng]
  • [fortune-telling] 旧时一种迷信。信数家用人出生的年、月、日、时,按天干、地支依次排列成八个字(称为八字),再用本干支所属五行生克推算人的命运。断定人的吉凶祸福

算命[suàn mìng]
  1. 算命是一种非常低级的把戏,充满了迷信色彩。

    Fortune-telling is a very much debased art surrounded by superstition

  2. 算命中也把鼻毛伸出鼻孔,视为贵相。

    Fortune-telling is also the vibrissa out nostrils , as expensive phase .

  3. 你读不读报上的星象版,给自己算命?

    Do you read your stars in the paper ?

  4. 她可凭看手纹替你算命。

    She can tell your fortune by looking at the lines on your hand .

  5. 在美国马里兰州的巴尔的摩市,算命是违法的

    It 's Illegal To Tell Fortunes In Baltimore , Maryland

  6. 黑眼睛的吉卜赛姑娘,用华丽的手巾包着头,突然地闯了进来替人算命

    Black-eyed gipsy girls , hooded in showy handkerchiefs , sallied forth to tell fortunes .

  7. 在巴尔的摩市,收钱给人算命是被禁止的,而且会被处以罚款或监禁。

    In the city of Baltimore , fortunetelling for money is forbidden and is punishable with a fine or jail :

  8. 米尔格鲁姆在机场等待登机的时候,注意到了一个电脑秤,它既能称体重又能算命。

    While Milgrom waited at the airport to board his plane , he noticed a computer scale that would give your weight and a fortune .

  9. 算命的说Tina的鼻子太塌了,老板会觉得她不可靠。trustworthy,就是指“值得信任的,可靠的”。

    Tina : No , he said my nose is too flat , so bosses don 't think I 'm trustworthy .

  10. 算命人,你在牌上能把未来的什么参透?

    Fortuneteller , what do you see future in a card ?

  11. 出道前,我曾经见过一位算命先生。

    Before the debut , I 've seen a fortune teller .

  12. 紫薇斗数是中国道家传统的算命方法。

    Purple Star astrology is a traditional Taoist Chinese divination system .

  13. 付给我一块钱,我给你算算命;

    Pay me a dollar and I will read your fortune .

  14. 我昨晚梦到一个算命的。

    I had a dream last night about a fortune teller .

  15. 他盘着两腿坐在地板上,把算命纸牌摊开来。

    He sat cross-legged on the floor laying out Tarot cards .

  16. 她闹着玩,看马丁的手给他算命。

    She playfully inspected Martin 's hand and told his fortune .

  17. 我听说你想找人给你算命。

    I hear that you want to have your fortune told .

  18. 也许你愿意我来帮你算算命。

    Maybe you 'd want me to delve into your future .

  19. 算命先生预言我会同一位医生结婚。

    The fortune-teller predicted that I would marry a doctor .

  20. 我以为你都照算命先生叫你做的去做了。

    I thought you did everything the fortuneteller told you to do .

  21. 几个朋友在一起谈论算命这个话题。

    Several friends were discussing the subject of fortune telling .

  22. 即使在现代社会,中国人算命的风气仍盛。

    Fortune telling remains popular with Chinese people even today .

  23. 人们相信算命人可以预测你的命运。

    It is believed that fortune-tellers can foretell your fate .

  24. 结果,这两位算命先生的话全都应验了。

    As it turned out , both fortune-tellers were correct .

  25. 今天玛姬扬亨特又要来给我算命啦。

    Margie young-hunt 's going to read me again today .

  26. 当我出名之后,我看到了另一个算命师。

    After I became famous , I saw another fortuneteller .

  27. 这头猪的主人是在访问了一个算命先生以后开始养它的。

    The pork 's owner got him after visiting a fortune teller .

  28. 那么,你们是来这里算命的了。

    So , you are here have your fortune told .

  29. 我姐姐有个朋友,她会算命。

    A friend of my sister , she tells fortunes and stuff .

  30. 他表示:这就像算命一样。

    It 's just like fortune telling , he says .