
  • 网络Arithmetic Book
  1. 《算术入门》是第一本完全独立于几何学系统的算术书。

    Itis the first arithmetic book which is completely independent of the system of the geometry .

  2. 林肯穷得买不起算术书的时候,就向别人借了一本,抄在普通信纸大小的纸上。

    Too poor to buy an arithmetic , Lincoln borrowed one and copied it on sheets of paper about the size of an ordinary letter-head .

  3. 而刘徽的《九章算术注》成书于魏景元四年(263),所以,即使与刘徽的时代相比,印度也要晚400年左右才有分数运算法则。

    completed in 263 in the Wei Dynasty ( 220-265 ) , which means that the algorithm of fractions is at least 400 years earlier than its counterpart in India .