
suàn mìnɡ xiān shenɡ
  • fortune teller
算命先生 [suàn mìng xiān shēng]
  • [fortune-teller] 给人算命的人

  1. 但她是一个明智的老人,就决定去问问算命先生。

    She just didn 't know what to do so , being a sensible old lady , she went to ask her fortune teller to advise her .

  2. 出道前,我曾经见过一位算命先生。

    Before the debut , I 've seen a fortune teller .

  3. 算命先生预言我会同一位医生结婚。

    The fortune-teller predicted that I would marry a doctor .

  4. 我以为你都照算命先生叫你做的去做了。

    I thought you did everything the fortuneteller told you to do .

  5. 结果,这两位算命先生的话全都应验了。

    As it turned out , both fortune-tellers were correct .

  6. 这头猪的主人是在访问了一个算命先生以后开始养它的。

    The pork 's owner got him after visiting a fortune teller .

  7. 我善于模仿算命先生来取乐。

    I 'm clever at taking off the fortune-teller .

  8. 这个算命先生告诉了我一些事情,关于我的过去、现在和未来。

    The fortune-teller told me something , about my past , today and future .

  9. 霍莉有天晚上去找算命先生给她算了一命。

    Holly went to a fortune teller one night and had her fortune read .

  10. 阿什利:哦,她是一个高大的金发女郎,靠近算命先生。

    Ashley : Oh , she 's the tall blonde one , near the fortune-teller .

  11. 时常会有一位善于语言灾难的算命先生。

    Often there will be a fortuneteller who will seem pretty skilled at predicting cataclysms .

  12. 袁柳庄是一个很准的算命先生。

    Yuan Liuzhuang was an expert fortune-teller .

  13. 算命先生必须具体创造性,因为预言术是一个冒险性很强的事情。

    Fortune-tellers had to be inventive because the art of prophecy was a risky business .

  14. 很多算命先生声称可预告你在新一年的运程。

    Many fortune-tellers claim that they can tell your fortune ( s ) in the coming year .

  15. 算命先生告诉简说,她就会有奇遇。

    The fortune teller told Jane that there was an adventure for her just round the corner .

  16. 很久以来我们一直认为股市预测唯一的价值在于使得算命先生不失业。

    We 've long felt that the only value of stock forecasters is to make fortune tellers look good .

  17. 当一个算命先生为你看手相,她会告诉你的未来会是怎样。

    When a fortune-teller look at your palm , she 'll tell you how your future will be like .

  18. “我的算命先生说,“你下一次面试会找到工作”-我特别喜欢你们公司。

    My fortune cookie said , 'Your next interview will result in a job ' - and I like your company in particular .

  19. 一个人说,当他还小的时候,一位算命先生告诉他,他会有数不尽的钱;

    One said that when he was young , a fortune-teller told him that he would have more money than he could count .

  20. 就在巷子里,距离杨维的房间不远处,我见到一位算命先生。他坐在凳子上,穿着并不合身的条纹西装,身旁是一面帆布的图。

    Just up the alley from Yang 's room , I met a fortune teller sitting on a stool next to a canvas chart .

  21. 算命先生经卜卦后告之,这是一名神龟,因为有难,专程托梦来向你求援。

    After divining , the future-teller told him that it was a sacred turtle for being confronted with trouble ; it came to you asking for help .

  22. 一日,返家途中巧遇算命先生,算命先生断定王哥必于三日内发一笔横财;而柳哥则于四十四日之后,必死无疑。三日后王哥果然中了爱国奖卷。

    One day , they meet a fortune-teller , who tells them that Wang will hit the jackpot in three days and Liu will surely die44 days later .

  23. 比如,原是演员的蓝萍,当年三对夫妻在杭州结婚的时候,问算命先生,是否能白头到老?

    For example , was originally actor Rampling , when three couples married in Hangzhou , when asked a fortune teller , whether old age to old age ?

  24. 除了多的数不清的小吃,你还会发现多的泛滥的算命先生和中药郎中,以及一些免费的露天粤剧表演。

    Aside from the plethora of street food on offer , you will also find a surfeit of fortune-tellers and herbalists and some free , open-air Cantonese opera performances here .

  25. 对中国算命先生来说,手掌从大拇指旁边往下呈弧形延伸到手腕是生命线,指示人的寿命。

    To a Chinese fortune-teller , the Life Line , which arcs downwards from the thumb side of the palm to the wrist , is an indicator of life span .

  26. 郑国人对这位铁口直断的算命先生是既敬又怕。因为被人一眼看穿凶吉祸福,绝对不是一件值得高兴的事;

    People in the State of Zheng awed the future teller because it was embarrassed or even bad to be known of their coming fortune and misfortune at a sight .

  27. 不过,有一些人,尤其是乡下人很有可能请算命先生挑个结婚的吉日(常是双日子)这样就是双喜临门了。

    However , quite a few others , especially those in the countryside , would probably ask a fortune-teller for a lucky date ( usually an even number ) so that their marriage would have " Double Happiness " .

  28. 其中有一道刻痕边还标注着“清朝康熙四十六年六月初八(公元1707年7月7日),宁强(今陕西宁强)官员前来求雨”,并且还有文字记载有算命先生参加了祈雨仪式。

    One patch of graffiti reads " On June 8 , 46th year of the emperor Kangxi period , Qing Dynasty ( July 7 , 1707AD ) , the governor of Ningqiang district came to the cave to pray for rain . " Another text tells of how a fortune teller joined in the ceremony .