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suàn shù
  • Arithmetic;count;end;stand;hold
算数 [suàn shù]
  • (1) [stand;hold;count]∶承认有效

  • 说话算数

  • (2) [end]∶结束;为止

  • 尽量吃,吃完算数

算数[suàn shù]
  1. 个别情况不算数。

    Isolated instances do not count .

  2. 那可不算数。

    That doesn 't count .

  3. 唐说:“我做生意没有说话不算数的习惯。”

    ‘ I 'm not in the habit of welshing on deals , ’ said Don .

  4. 我的出价仍然算数。

    My offer still stands .

  5. 6个月后,约翰已经渐渐能够识字和算数,也有了自信。

    Six months later John had developed literacy and numeracy skills , plus confidence .

  6. 你的孩子应该会识字算数。

    Your children should be literate and numerate .

  7. 他不是那种说话不算数的人。

    He is not the sort of man who would go back on his word .

  8. 我们一向说话算数。

    We always keep to our words .

  9. 我讲话是算数的,决不反复。

    I mean what I say and shall never react from [ go back on ] my words .

  10. 继续读课文,记住了才算数。

    Keep on reading the text until you 've learned it by heart .

  11. 说话要算数,不能光许愿不还愿。

    You should keep your word ; you can 't make promises and not keep them .

  12. 你怎么说话不算数,出尔反尔?

    Why do you go back on your word ? doesn 't what you promised still count ?

  13. 相反,哈克正在推广更多像他在皇后学院教授的一门课程:《算数101》。

    Instead , Hacker is pushing for more courses like the one he teaches at Queens College : Numeracy 101 .

  14. 到了疯狂做最后算数的时候——全国各行各业的雇员们都在倒着数日子,试图算出他们攒下的带薪假期还剩多久。

    It is the season for some frantic last-minute math across the country , employees of all stripe are counting backward in an attempt to figure out just how much paid time-off they have left it their reserves .

  15. 哈克认为,这种课程对于算数差的成年人是一种补教措施,他们虽然学了像代数这样的高等数学,但却无法按面积计算比如地毯之类的价格。

    Such courses , Hacker argues , are a remedy for the numerical illiteracy of adults who have completed high-level math like algebra but are unable to calculate the price of , say , a carpet by area .

  16. 孩子会立即检验你说话是否算数。

    the child will immediately test your claim .

  17. 我们邻居号称自己说话算数,但我们意识到他并不是这样的人。

    Our neighbour said he was a man of his word but we realised he wasn 't.

  18. 我其实不喜欢她啦,她就是个备胎而已,这段感情不算数。

    Example : I don 't really like her ; she 's just my rebound girl . This rebound relationship doesn 't count .

  19. 鲁宾·冈萨雷斯向前角做了一个漂亮的扣杀,赢得了比赛。裁判认为鲁宾·冈萨雷斯胜了,边线员也确认进球算数。

    toumament at match point in the fifth and final game , Gonzolas made a super " kill shot " into the front corner to win the tournament . The referee called it good , and one of the linemen confirmed the shot was a winner .

  20. 研究认为,应该把第四个R,即责任感(Responsibility),加入到学校的传统核心课程(阅读、写作和算数)中去。

    It called for a fourth'R ' - responsibility-to be added to schools'traditional core subjects of reading , writing and arithmetic .

  21. abideby遵守,信守你说话要算数。

    You must abide by what you have said .

  22. 我叫Emma试验各种工作而且让它们算数。

    I told Emma to explore work and make it count .

  23. 法国总统尼古拉萨科齐(nicolassarkozy)向记者表示:“欧元区向世界发出说话算数的信号是至关重要的”。

    French President Nicolas Sarkozy told journalists : " it is vital the eurozone sends the world a message of credibility " .

  24. 那种在IDEv7工具中比你多用RESTAPI生成向导5分钟的家伙写出来的博客可不算数的。

    That blog post by that guy who has 5 minutes more experience than you using the REST API generation wizard in Super cool IDE v7 doesn 't count .

  25. OOC是只允许使用说话算数。

    OOC Talk is only allowed using Tells .

  26. 首先对故障录波数据进行CL多小波变换,然后对变换以后的系数进行一维SPIHT编码,对得到的排序位流再进行算数编码。

    Then , SPIHT coding method is used for coefficients after CL multiwavelet transform , Arithmetic coding is employed to order bit-stream .

  27. 并提出了一种自动验证参数化LE协议的方法,用线性算数约束来模拟可能无限的全局状态集合,利用符号模型检测工具DMC[DP99],文章实现了对参数化LE协议safety性质的自动验证。

    This approach uses linear arithmetic constraints to model possibly infinite sets of global states . Using symbolic model checker DMC [ DP99 ] , it automatically verifies safety properties for parameterized Leader Election protocols .

  28. 但是因为BCH码在有限域操作,标准微处理器的算数运算是不匹配的,所以速度会很慢。

    But as BCH codes operate over finite fields , a standard microprocessors ' arithmetic is not suitable , and a software solution is therefore rather slow .

  29. 长久以来,跨境金融机构的监管,一直依照如经济学家CharlesGoodhart所言的“花钱的人说话算数”这一原则。

    The supervision of cross-border financial institutions has long been organised on the basis of " he who pays the piper calls the tune ", as Charles Goodhart , the economist , puts it .

  30. 埃塞尔:喔!在那个国家结的婚算数吗?

    Ethel : oh , does it count in this country ?