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nǚ jiàng
  • female general;female adept
女将 [nǚ jiàng]
  • (1) [female general]∶女性统领

  • (2) [woman dab]∶泛指在某一领域中的女能手

  • 排坛女将

  1. 在中国历史上有文字记载的第一位女将军是谁?

    Who in the first recorded female general in Chinese history ?

  2. 这部剧将讲述小丑女和小丑(TheJoker)结束分分合合恋情后的故事,小丑女将在高谭市各式罪案中努力拔得头筹。

    The series will follow Harley after she breaks free from her on-off squeeze The Joker and tries to become top dog among Gotham 's criminals .

  3. 另外女将巴瑞赛诺进步十分突出,在上一站的比赛中成为AFR史上第一个夺下杆位的女选手,以目前的形式来看,其很有可能将站上年度颁奖台上。

    It is also worth mentioning that Samin Gomez Briceno who is the first female driver in AFR grabbing a pole position in last race is in strong form and likely to stand on the podium again .

  4. 17岁的本西奇让人们想起了上一位在这块场地上拼搏的年轻瑞士女将玛蒂娜·辛吉斯(MartinaHingis)。这不仅是因为她们来自同一个国家,还因为她们师从同一名教练,也就是辛吉斯的母亲梅兰妮·莫尼特(MelanieMolitor)。

    Bencic , 17 , was recalling memories of the last Swiss woman to tear around these courts as a teenager , Martina Hingis , not only because they share a home country but also because they share a coach : Hingis 's mother , Melanie Molitor .

  5. 女将军的想法简直是荒唐。

    The idea of a woman general is just absurd .

  6. 那是马特朋友前男友碎嘴女将来的前男友

    There 's Matt ... Friend , ex , yappy 's future ex.

  7. 中国的长跑女将都是用这个来增强耐力的。

    It 's what the Chinese women distance runners use to improve their endurance .

  8. 大牛,你知道中国历史上第一位女将军是谁吗?

    Daniel , do you know who 's the first woman general in Chinese history ?

  9. 民间有一个浪漫的传说,是说牛郎和织女将在这一天相会。

    There is a romantic folk tale for that day about the meeting of Niulang and Zhinu .

  10. 欧文家的三员女将都在去布鲁塞尔的航班上。

    All three of the Owen women were on the plane bound for Brussels . ( para . 3 )

  11. “女子上阵多邪术暗器”是常见警句。女将往往暗藏着神奇的宝贝兵器,以弥补性别劣势。

    It is a common aphorism that a woman usually has black magic or hidden weapon when she goes into battle .

  12. 妇好,她是商王武丁的妻子,是中国历史上有文字记载的第一位女将军。

    Fu Hao , the wife of King Wuding of the Shang Dynasty , in Chinese written history , was the first woman general .

  13. 清代通俗小说塑造了一批数量可观的女将形象,这是一个颇具光彩的古代妇女人物类型群。

    Qing dynasty 's popular novels created a lot of female generals image , which is a quite glorious ancient women figures type group .

  14. 2009年12月22日21号,西班牙巴塞罗那队前锋梅西和巴西女将玛塔分别当选“世界足球先生”和“世界足球小姐”称号。

    2009-12-22 Spanish Barcelona 's forward Lionel Messi and Brazil 's Marta were awarded the World Players of the Year on Monday ( Dec.21 ) .

  15. 女将的神仙师傅往往为其关键之时的救兵。女将兵器往往与女性日常生活中应用的工具有关。

    They often hide magical weapons to compensate their shortages , and their weapons are usually related to the tools used by them in daily life .

  16. 埃塞俄比亚长跑健将格布雷西拉西和美国短跑女将琼斯分获国际业余田联年度最佳男女运动员奖。

    The Ethiopian long-distance runner Gebrselassie and the American sprinter Jones have won the International Amateur Athletic Federation awards for the male and female athlete of the year .

  17. 它们在毒藤女将阿克汉姆的天空染红而我们正要去用抗体阻止她之前不会出现。

    They didn 't appear for us until Poison Ivy had turned Arkham 's sky red and we were on our way to stop her with the antidote .

  18. 一个年轻的女子,童年在密歇根的弗林特历尽艰辛,成为第一个赢得拳击比赛金牌的美国女将。

    A young woman who persevered through a tough childhood in Flint , Michigan , to become the first American woman to win gold in the boxing ring .

  19. 中国女演员刘亦菲将在迪士尼翻拍的《花木兰》真人电影中扮演女将军花木兰。该片改编自同名中国古典传说。

    Chinese actress Liu Yifei , also known as Crystal Liu , is set to star as the title woman warrior in Disney 's live-action adaptation of the classic Chinese tale .

  20. 两帅之间还有一帅,就是文汇报驻京办事处负责人浦熙修,是一位能干的女将。

    In between the two commanders , there is a third in the person of Pu Hsi-hsiu , a capable woman of action in charge of the Peking office of Wen Hui Pao .

  21. 当子女将数学作业带回家做时,许多家长必须冲破分数和排名至上的窠臼,鼓励孩子努力尝试、用多种方法解答问题。

    When kids start bringing math homework home , many parents have to break old habits of emphasizing good scores and grades , and praise them instead for trying hard and using multiple approaches to figure out problems .

  22. 现已退役的足球明星贝克汉姆和辣妹维多利亚、四个子女将于年底入主新宅邸。他们以2000万美元的价格出售了位于英国赫特福德郡的贝金汉宫庄园。

    The former football superstar , together with his Spice Girl wife and four children will move into the new home at the end of the year after selling their Beckingham Palace in Hertfordshire , England for $ 20 million .

  23. 战争年代红军将士用大布制作军服被单,出现过男将在前方打仗,女将在后方织布送衣的动人情景。

    Red Army soldiers during the war years making military uniforms with a large cloth sheets , there have been men in front of the war , women , will be in the rear of the moving scene of weaving valet .

  24. 虽然此前的剧情里她只是启程回家,但是她终将抵达。因为这一集叫做《龙石岛》,所以可以肯定地说,龙女将在她的家族曾经的领地登陆。

    And though she was only sailing home before , she will finally arrive , and since the episode is titled " Dragonstone , " it 's a safe bet that the spot formerly occupied by her family will be the one she lands on .

  25. 这份研究报告发现,到2065年时,海外出生的人及其子女将至少占美国人口的36%,不但比现在的26%要高,而且高于20世纪初达到的峰值。

    The report from the Pew Research Center finds that foreign-born individuals and their children will comprise no less than 36 per cent of the US population by 2065 , higher than the peaks reached at the beginning of the 20th century and up from 26 per cent now .